mainTlf ham radio contest logger - Summary

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Group identification
Id: 3955
System Name: tlf
Name: Tlf ham radio contest logger
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Tlf is a console (ncurses) mode general purpose CW/VOICE keyer, -logging and -contest program for hamradio. It supports the CQWW, the WPX, the ARRL-DX , the ARRL-FD, the PACC and the EU SPRINT contests (single operator) as well as a LOT MORE basic contests, general QSO and DXpedition mode. It interfaces with a morse code generator, your sound card, a number of radios, and with a DX Cluster. Tlf can project cluster data into the excellent Xplanet program, written by Hari Nair.
Contest operation mimics the popular TR-Log program for DOS, the output file is TR- as well as CABRILLO compatible. The user interface was designed with over 30 years of experience in CW contesting. The program was written for console mode on purpose, to make it run also on smaller machines, or remotely via a modem link. TLF is developed under Slackware 8.0, and tested under SuSE 8.0, kernel version 2.4.19, and RH 7.2

Registration Date: Fri 14 Feb 2003 09:14:25 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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Tlf-0.9.4 adds band info output on parallel port
     posted by pa0rct, Mon 27 Oct 2003 10:28:40 PM UTC

The upload of version tlf-0.9.4 is ready at the download page. You only need it if you want to use the parallel port for coding band output to switch antennas, filters etc.

73, Rein PA0R

Tlf-0.9.3 supports USB, and multiple config files...
     posted by pa0rct, Sun 12 Oct 2003 03:09:24 PM UTC

I just uploaded tlf-0.9.3

Main features are: USB support and the possibility to use a different config file for each operator...
I have also been able to include the latest feature requests. (Where else do you get this service? :-)

From the README: [...]

Tlf-0.9.2 released with adif export, bug fixes and new Multiplier capabilities..
     posted by pa0rct, Sun 05 Oct 2003 04:32:45 PM UTC

Thanks to Mitko, LZ3NY, tlf can now export the logfile in adif format, e.g. for use with LOTW, or for import into other loggers.

Furthermore, some bugs were fixed, including a nasty one for the cqww contest.

A few new Multipliers were added, to enable even more contests. [...]

Tlf-0.9.0 includes integrated contest voice keyer
     posted by pa0rct, Fri 06 Jun 2003 08:42:58 PM UTC

Tlf-0.9.0 now integrates a voice keyer, making use of the sox package.
Qso logic for phone is the same as for cw: you just say the call once and press ENTER twice...

Tlf-0.9.0 is a beta version, and test reports are highly appreciated!!

You find tlf-0.9.0 in the download area.

73, and happy testing...


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