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Group Description Type
[blug] Beijing GNU/Linux User Group The Beijing GNU/Linux User Group (BLUG) was founded in Beijing on November 19th, 2002 and has since met at least monthly without exception. GNU user groups
[binaryfreedom] BinaryFreedom Former GNU/Linux Boston user group, decided to change their name and vision to BinaryFreedom. With this change the group aims to focus on a more political stance with FreeSoftware. GNU user groups
[gug-bg] Bulgarian GNU Users Group Bulgarian users of the GNU operating system GNU user groups
[hacklambra] Colina Roja Hacklab GNU user groups
[curitibalivre] Comunidade Curitiba Livre A Comunidade Curitiba Livre é um grupo de estudo que atua em prol do movimento de Software Livre na cidade de Curitiba e Região Metropolitana. Nossas atividades sempre são focadas no incentivo ao uso e desenvolvimento de Software Livre além de promovermos GNU user groups
[debxp] debxp Discussion group for the debxp community for promotion and defense of Free/Libre Software, digital activism, radicalization of democracy and empowerment through computing and free/libre cultures. GNU user groups
[dfey] Digital Freedom for Education and Youth - North West GNU user groups
[emacsconf] EmacsConf EmacsConf is the conference about the joy of GNU Emacs and Emacs Lisp. GNU user groups
[fsfla] Free Software Foundation LA GNU user groups
[fsuk] Free Software Groups UK Free Software Groups for the UK GNU user groups
[global-orgs] Global FS Org. Coordination This project sought to coordinate the global activity of various Free Software Organizations, such as country-level FSF's, membership-oriented Free Software Societies (like APRIL), and GNU/Linux Users Groups. GNU user groups
[gnome-tamil] GNOME Translation Project - Tamil This project will help localise Gnome to Tamil in an organised way. The end product will be a usable desktop in Tamil. A cohesive production environment is our goal. We will strive for the highest quality translations possible as it will be dictated by GNU user groups
[gnuforodeempresa] GNU Foro de Empresas GNU user groups
[sudoesteparana] GNU User Group Sudoeste do Paraná GNU user groups
[gug-la] GNU Users Group Los Angeles GUG LA is the GNU Users Group of Los Angeles, located in California, USA. Objectives include the networking of local GNU hackers, participation in GNU projects, and promotion of free software. GNU user groups
[gir] GNU/Linux in Russia Russian GNU/Linux User Group GNU user groups
[glug-nith] GNU/Linux User Group, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur GLUG NITH is a moniker for the GNU/Linux Users Group of National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur. GNU user groups
[gnuchile] GNUCHILE TESTING GNU user groups
[gugve] Grupo de Usuarios GNU de Venezuela Usuarios y entusiastas de GNU/FSF en Venezuela. GNU user groups
[guga] Guga GNU User Group Alagoas (GUGA) is a oficial GNU User Group (GUG) to promotes GNU projects in Alagoas (Brazil). GNU user groups
[idletesla] IDLE TESLA We are a Free Software Users Group in Concepción, Region Bío-Bío, Chile. GNU user groups
[gug-nixal] Nixal GNU/Linux Usr Grp Website ( NSEC, Kolkata) The website of Nixal. Nixal is the GNU/Linux user group of Netaji Subhash Engineering College, Kolkata, India GNU user groups
[sentx] SeNTX Free software user group of México/Nl/Monterrey. GNU user groups
[serbiangnome] Serbian GNOME Translation Project Translation of GNOME desktop & development environment to Serbian language, and solving all the l10n and i18n issues as they arise. GNU user groups
[tetum] Tetum Translation Project Tetun (aka Tetan Tetum) is the common language of the people of Timor Leste (East Timor). The Tetun Project aspires to develop and refine Tetun Interfaces and guidelines for Linux and other Free Liscenced Open Source Computing Environments. GNU user groups

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