mainPlex86 Virtual Machine - Support: sr #100571, Fatal monitor error caused Panic


sr #100571: Fatal monitor error caused Panic

Submitter:  Invalid User ID <#5932>
Submitted:  Mon 11 Mar 2002 06:54:48 PM UTC
Category:  Emulation/Virtualization Error Priority:  3 - Low
Severity:  2 - Minor Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  RvnPhnx
Open/Closed:  Open Operating System:  None
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Wed 02 Apr 2003 08:51:12 PM UTC, comment #5: 

I'll see if Robert Millan has fixed this in his plex86
debain package when I get a chance.

Drew Northup N1XIM <RvnPhnx>
Group administrator
Fri 26 Apr 2002 08:41:25 AM UTC, comment #4: 

The file /etc/plex86/winnt as distributed by Debian seems
to lack a few plugins. With the following patch things
work a lot better. I will file a bugreport to Debian about this.


--- /etc/plex86/winnt   Mon Apr  8 16:27:08 2002
+++ winnt       Fri Apr 26 10:13:27 2002
@@ -31,6 +31,15 @@
 #bochs-opt time0: 938581955

+plugin = /usr/lib/plex86/#user#/plugins/bochs/iodev/
+plugin = /usr/lib/plex86/#user#/plugins/bochs/iodev/
+plugin = /usr/lib/plex86/#user#/plugins/bochs/iodev/
+plugin = /usr/lib/plex86/#user#/plugins/bochs/iodev/
+plugin = /usr/lib/plex86/#user#/plugins/bochs/iodev/
+plugin = /usr/lib/plex86/#user#/plugins/bochs/iodev/
+plugin = /usr/lib/plex86/#user#/plugins/bochs/iodev/
+plugin = /usr/lib/plex86/#user#/plugins/bochs/iodev/
+plugin = /usr/lib/plex86/#user#/plugins/bochs/iodev/

 # The system BIOS
 load-rom: file=/usr/lib/plex86/bios/rombios.bin,

Bastiaan Veelo <veelo>
Sun 07 Apr 2002 12:22:09 PM UTC, comment #3: 

I got the same problem running on a Duron 700...
It's with debian woody, kernel 2.4.16.

Could it be that AMD has some flags that are not properly
handled by plex86???
-- Jan Evert

Sat 06 Apr 2002 07:07:31 AM UTC, comment #2: 

It seems that you did not registered any plugins, ie the
cmos plugin is not loaded, that's why you get : "No handler
defined for port 0x70 and 0x71".

Now, the funny part : current panic IP is A000:0, that is
the video memory, and current instructon is add ahl, [bx+si,
wich opcode is 0000].
Who knows where the execution path come from ? because this
instruction does not branch, and all the memory is filled
with 0 at boot time...

So I think the execution path comes from somewhere below in
memory, and when it gets to the vga memory, Plex86 panics....

Anyway, please register the plugins in plex86.conf, and try

Christophe Bothamy <cbothamy>
Group Member
Mon 25 Mar 2002 04:13:51 PM UTC, comment #1: 

This is an error I've gotten also.  I'm going to have to check-in with Kevin
before more work can be done on it though, because last time I knew IA-32
didn't have an addb instruction (they call it something else, I
think...).  In any case, that is one that needs to be fixed.  Since it is
looking to add bx to al (and not bl or bh to al, or bx to ax--that and eax, ebx, and
esi are all zero, hmmmmmm), there seems to something funky about it to
start with.  Maybe it is supposed to fire off an exception that we don't
handle properly yet....

Drew Northup N1XIM <RvnPhnx>
Group administrator
Mon 11 Mar 2002 06:54:48 PM UTC, original submission:  


it seems to be time to fill this group with requests

I am sure somebody already asked this stuff on th
eold lists - but I have not seen a valid workaround
yet. Could somebody give me a clue about what to

I have compiled latest plex86 source on a SuSE 7.2
with kernel 2.4.17 running on an Athlon 700 with
384MB RAM.

Best regards,


hobbes:/home/klaus/src/plex86/user # ./plex86 -f
Processing command-line options
Opening VM (/dev/plex86)
Processing config file ../conf/winnt...
Allocating 32MB of physical memory in VM
Mapping virtualized physical memory into monitor
Zeroing virtualized physical memory
Mapping monitor print buffer into user mem.
ROM: loading image '../bios/BIOS-plex86-current' @
0xf0000 (65536 bytes)
ROM: loading image '../bios/VGABIOS-elpin-2.40' @
0xc0000 (32768 bytes)
Setting prescan depth to 3
prescan on
Processed 64 lines of config file '../conf/winnt'
Initializing plugins
Running VM
::init_monitor OK -----------------
nexus_size = 0x24E

::sysIOOut: No handler defined for port 0x70!.

::sysIOIn: No handler defined for port 0x71.

::sysIOOut: No handler defined for port 0x71!.

::plex86 panic:
::emulate:1 default case of 5

Fatal monitor error caused Panic
cs:s=0x0, dl=0xffff, dh=0x9b00, valid=1
ss:s=0x0, dl=0xffff, dh=0x9300, valid=1
ds:s=0x0, dl=0xffff, dh=0x9300, valid=1
es:s=0x0, dl=0xffff, dh=0x9300, valid=1
fs:s=0x0, dl=0xffff, dh=0x9300, valid=1
gs:s=0x0, dl=0xffff, dh=0x9300, valid=1
ldtr:s=0x0, dl=0x0, dh=0x0, valid=0
tr:s=0x0, dl=0x0, dh=0x0, valid=0
gdtr:base=0x0, limit=0x0
idtr:base=0x0, limit=0x3ff
Stack dump:
Current instruction:
 0000.000A0000  0000                     addb    %al,

Shutting down plugins
bochs: Note: X11: bx_gui_c::exit() not implemented
Unmapping guest physical memory.
Unmapping monitor print buffer.
Tearing down VM
Closing VM
hobbes:/home/klaus/src/plex86/user #

Invalid User ID <#5932>


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Follow 3 latest changes.

Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2003-04-02 RvnPhnx Assigned toNone None
2003-04-02 RvnPhnx Priority5 - Normal None
2002-03-25 RvnPhnx support_category_id100

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