taskSavannah Administration - Tasks: task #14667, Submission of Advanced Gtk+...


task #14667: Submission of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer Library

Submitter:  Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Submitted:  Fri 29 Sep 2017 01:42:46 PM UTC
Should Start On:  Mon 24 Jun 2019 12:00:00 AM UTC Should be Finished on:  Mon 24 Jun 2019 12:00:00 AM UTC
Category:  Project Approval Priority:  * 5 - Normal
Status:  In Progress Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  ineiev Open/Closed:  Open
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Fri 13 Mar 2020 04:13:46 AM UTC, comment #166: 

I was able to strip many files from git ...

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Fri 13 Mar 2020 03:41:36 AM UTC, comment #165: 

To keep it simple I just removed all files in m4 except those I am maintainer of.

So you always need to run `autoreconf -fi` after checkout git.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Fri 13 Mar 2020 03:00:24 AM UTC, comment #164: 

removed docs/reference/*/README because all Makefile.am contain now valid copyright and license notice.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Fri 13 Mar 2020 02:55:14 AM UTC, comment #163: 

I just provided a clean po directory ...

I am going to check what I can remove else.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Fri 13 Mar 2020 12:06:55 AM UTC, comment #162: 

Sorry, I don't accept your answer. If you see a file without copyright or license notice report it, please.

Note, I am thankful for savannah hosting my project. Further, I identify myself and my project for the values savannah represents.

I can't imagine a better hosting for `gsequencer` which is completely free software. I know it because it is my code.

It is somehow ironic, your arguing why it shall not be hosted by savannah, anymore.

Do you remember why I was filling this submission?

Well, I would love to contribute it to GNU.

> I would agree if the issue had been fixed.  It hasn't.

Again, what file is affected?

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Thu 12 Mar 2020 10:00:51 AM UTC, comment #161: 

comment #155:

> You can close this issue, if you don't tell what file is affected I can't fix. Further, I have really doubts in the process of accepted by the GNU project.

If the problem isn't solved, closing the issue means that the affected package shouldn't be hosted on Savannah any more.

> > I think we should set a deadline: you've already have been working on this issue for a long time; if it isn't fixed within a reasonable period, it must mean that you really can't follow Savannah hosting requirements.
> This is your very own opinion and as usually you don't feel to justify.

I would agree if the issue had been fixed.  It hasn't.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Sun 08 Mar 2020 03:45:30 PM UTC, comment #160: 

Hi Ineiev,

I just opened a bug of gettext to complain about missing copyright and license notice.


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 08 Mar 2020 01:45:28 PM UTC, comment #159: 

but even with gettext 0.20.1 it still provides files without proper copyright notice.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 08 Mar 2020 01:11:45 PM UTC, comment #158: 

Do you have a work-around for old gettext versions?

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 08 Mar 2020 01:09:27 PM UTC, comment #157: 

I just checked third party files in m4 to have copyright and license notice: ok

About files in po, well I am still tied to gettext because it is provided by debian, sorry.


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 08 Mar 2020 12:41:56 PM UTC, comment #156: 

I just checked the images directory to have metadata: ok

  • docs/images/*.png

Thought, the new images were not listed in the README: fixed

  • docs/images/README

Further, I have updated README because compile and acsite.m4 has got a copyright notice, now.

About acsite.m4 it had some generated code without proper license notice, which I have removed because I don't use help2man.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 08 Mar 2020 11:48:16 AM UTC, comment #155: 

You can close this issue, if you don't tell what file is affected I can't fix. Further, I have really doubts in the process of accepted by the GNU project.

> I think we should set a deadline: you've already have been working on this issue for a long time; if it isn't fixed within a reasonable period, it must mean that you really can't follow Savannah hosting requirements.

This is your very own opinion and as usually you don't feel to justify.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 08 Mar 2020 10:55:07 AM UTC, comment #154: 

comment #153:

> I just reworked copyright notices of the images:
> * http://git.savannah.nongnu.org/cgit/gsequencer.git/tree/gsequencer.share/icons?h=3.0.x
> * http://git.savannah.nongnu.org/cgit/gsequencer.git/tree/gsequencer.share/images?h=3.0.x
> * http://git.savannah.nongnu.org/cgit/gsequencer.git/tree/docs/images?h=3.0.x

Why don't you use the texts recommended by the license itself
(in the section "How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs")?

Oh, well, we've discussed this two years ago; sorry.

> Further I have removed misleading information from README files.

Did you check all files in your tarball?

I think we should set a deadline: you've already have been working on this issue for a long time; if it isn't fixed within a reasonable period, it must mean that you really can't follow Savannah hosting requirements.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Sun 29 Dec 2019 10:28:20 AM UTC, comment #153: 


I just reworked copyright notices of the images:

Further I have removed misleading information from README files.


If a file has got a copyright header it won't be listed in README, anymore. Excepted images, I think it is worth to mention copyright in metadata and README.


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Tue 17 Dec 2019 12:32:50 PM UTC, comment #152: 

(I use fcc1b3d6706021de850b0c733c898b1b602ada76 which seems to be current git HEAD for as the reference.)

So, some files from po/ still have no appropriate notices.

The status of files like ags/object/ags_marshal.c isn't clear: they declare Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Joël Krähemann, while the README says something uncertain like "copyright provided by http://www.gnome.org".

While at it, many READMEs have no recommended form of copyright notice; I would suggest updating them.

There are also other files with the same issue (no valid copyright and license notices, or notices that are misleading).

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Thu 29 Aug 2019 05:45:22 PM UTC, comment #151: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Tue 27 Aug 2019 08:38:43 AM UTC, comment #150: 

I see, thank you!

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Mon 26 Aug 2019 05:19:40 PM UTC, comment #149: 

Hi Ineiev,

I think it is a common way to translate PCM data to the complex plane. If you look at this:


What is basically the same. I just forwarded you the email.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Mon 26 Aug 2019 08:17:38 AM UTC, comment #148: 

> I have contacted the author of the book, he told me that I won't have a need for his permission.

I'm not sure I understand... whose permission shall you need, then?

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Thu 22 Aug 2019 07:18:12 AM UTC, comment #147: 

Hi Ineiev,

Please check:


I have contacted the author of the book, he told me that I won't have a need for his permission. Further, he answered that I could cite to his book that inspired me.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Fri 05 Jul 2019 08:41:40 AM UTC, comment #146: 

Hi Ineiev,

Just asked on freenode zrythm channel, they would embrace the split.

So we proceed as originally intended.

by Joël

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Mon 01 Jul 2019 06:25:05 AM UTC, comment #145: 

Hi Ineiev,

I am unsure about the submission's use.

My opinion is, it does more harm to the project than it actually helps.

I would prefer if we set the status to wontfix. But give me some time to think about.

If you find any problem regarding copyright or licensing, please let me know.

Note, the gettext distribution isn't yet updated.

by Joël

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Mon 24 Jun 2019 04:17:57 PM UTC, comment #144: 


        new file:   docs/reference/libags-audio/libags_audio-overrides.txt.in
        renamed:    docs/reference/libags-audio/libags_audio-sections.txt -> docs/reference/libags-audio/libags_audio-sections.txt.in
        renamed:    docs/reference/libags-audio/libags_audio.interfaces -> docs/reference/libags-audio/libags_audio.interfaces.in
        renamed:    docs/reference/libags-audio/libags_audio.types -> docs/reference/libags-audio/libags_audio.types.in
        new file:   docs/reference/libags-gui/libags_gui-overrides.txt.in
        renamed:    docs/reference/libags-gui/libags_gui-sections.txt -> docs/reference/libags-gui/libags_gui-sections.txt.in
        renamed:    docs/reference/libags-gui/libags_gui.interfaces -> docs/reference/libags-gui/libags_gui.interfaces.in
        deleted:    docs/reference/libags-gui/libags_gui.types
        new file:   docs/reference/libags-gui/libags_gui.types.in
        new file:   docs/reference/libags/libags-overrides.txt.in
        renamed:    docs/reference/libags/libags-sections.txt -> docs/reference/libags/libags-sections.txt.in
        renamed:    docs/reference/libags/libags.interfaces -> docs/reference/libags/libags.interfaces.in
        renamed:    docs/reference/libags/libags.types -> docs/reference/libags/libags.types.in
        new file:   docs/reference/libgsequencer/libgsequencer-overrides.txt.in
        renamed:    docs/reference/libgsequencer/libgsequencer-sections.txt -> docs/reference/libgsequencer/libgsequencer-sections.txt.in
        renamed:    docs/reference/libgsequencer/libgsequencer.interfaces -> docs/reference/libgsequencer/libgsequencer.interfaces.in
        renamed:    docs/reference/libgsequencer/libgsequencer.types -> docs/reference/libgsequencer/libgsequencer.types.in

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Mon 24 Jun 2019 12:02:16 PM UTC, comment #143: 

Hi Ineiev,

I just renamed the listings in order to provide a copyright and license notice in place:


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Mon 24 Jun 2019 11:40:24 AM UTC, comment #142: 

Hi Ineiev,

If you want me to create m4 macros to strip listings, just tell so.


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Mon 24 Jun 2019 11:34:27 AM UTC, comment #141: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Mon 24 Jun 2019 08:02:06 AM UTC, comment #140: 

> I just double checked all XML files, they all contain copyright and license notice.

Thank you!

You should check all copyrightable files.  For example, as of a98264770c44fb7, TODO and ags/object/ags_marshallers.list still have no copyright and license notices.  There are other such files as well.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Sun 23 Jun 2019 12:51:34 PM UTC, comment #139: 

Hi Ineiev,

I just double checked all XML files, they all contain copyright and license notice.

The images have metadata attributes edited with darktable.


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 23 Jun 2019 12:39:54 PM UTC, comment #138: 

Hi Ineiev,

I am not sure what you want exactly.

Do you think I should provide some metadata tags in project files?

by Joël

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 22 Jun 2019 06:13:15 PM UTC, comment #137: 

> I have problems with gettext files, only.

I don't think I can agree unless you reasonably address comment #134 and comment #131.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Fri 10 May 2019 02:02:57 AM UTC, comment #136: 

Hi Ineiev,

I just recognized progress with gettext:


best regards,

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Tue 07 May 2019 09:06:27 AM UTC, comment #135: 


As stated: "I have problems with gettext files, only." There no other such files.

Yes, you might be right but this requires to know what license should be applied and who is the copyright owner.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Tue 07 May 2019 08:05:27 AM UTC, comment #134: 

> You have failed to approve the library in time.

Yes, I have.  Sorry.

> because they were generated by the application `gsequencer`

I think this is a poor excuse. If that application is proprietary, you shouldn't use it at all, if it's free, you can modify it to make it include the necessary lines.

I'd also like to have your answers for the two other questions from comment #131.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Sat 04 May 2019 03:07:45 PM UTC, comment #133: 

Hi Ineiev,

You have failed to approve the library in time.


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Wed 01 May 2019 03:49:03 PM UTC, comment #132: 

Hi Ineiev,

Why, because they were generated by the application `gsequencer` and every time I edit/save the file the comment won't be preserved. This is error prone but I don't think there are frequent changes to the files.

I have problems with gettext files, only.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Thu 21 Mar 2019 04:52:25 PM UTC, comment #131: 

> Despite you told me prior, it is no problem to list the *.xml files in README only, because they were generated by the application `gsequencer`.



> I just removed gsequencer-mac-os-x.patch because it is outdated.


> I have added a copyright notice to following files:


Are there other such files?

> I think, that I am not eligible to add copyright information for someone else.

Why not?  There is little magic about copyright lines.  At any rate, the requirement of having these notices does apply to all copyrightable texts in your package, both written by you and other people.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Tue 19 Mar 2019 01:30:12 PM UTC, comment #130: 

Hi Ineiev,

I just removed gsequencer-mac-os-x.patch because it is outdated.

Despite you told me prior, it is no problem to list the *.xml files in README only, because they were generated by the application `gsequencer`. I have added a copyright notice to following files:

  • ags_example.xml
  • ags_functional_audio_config_test.xml
  • ags_functional_notation_edit_test.xml

About the files in po/*, yes they are from `gettext` and I created a README:


I think, that I am not eligible to add copyright information for someone else. I contacted the maintainer and obviously you, too.


I regenerated the files using latest gettext:

$ gettext --version
gettext (GNU gettext-runtime)
Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 2000-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Written by Ulrich Drepper.

... but no improvement.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Tue 19 Mar 2019 10:48:19 AM UTC, comment #129: 

Files in po/ are text; the copyrightable ones should include copyright and license notices (I guess some of them are to come from gettext).

Likewise, ags_examlpe.xml and gsequencer-mac-os-x.patch have no copyright and license notices; please check other files as well.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Sat 16 Mar 2019 04:43:37 PM UTC, comment #128: 

Sorry for the delay; I'll take a look within a week.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Fri 15 Mar 2019 03:48:06 PM UTC, comment #127: 


I didn't hear from you for a while.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Tue 19 Feb 2019 08:48:24 PM UTC, comment #126: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Tue 19 Feb 2019 08:40:04 PM UTC, comment #125: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 17 Feb 2019 09:57:15 PM UTC, comment #124: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 17 Feb 2019 09:49:00 PM UTC, comment #123: 

Hi Ineiev,

Just was on irc.freenode.net channel #gnu. I got some very helpful advice like reading:


By the way, the ChangeLog has got a copyright notice at the end:


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 17 Feb 2019 08:26:33 PM UTC, comment #122: 

Hi Ineiev,

There is one file, I need advice for what license I should use:


Permissive would be nice, but I think there was a build service requiring some other license. I wanted to package for Elementary OS, but the CI fails with an unknown error to me (I think it is just about packaging).

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 20 Jan 2019 03:49:03 PM UTC, comment #121: 


No, this is not necessary. They all have no copyright notice, because I think they don't support it. Excluded from this statement are lines with the content (see file).

You told me to list files not supporting copyright statements in README. This is the reason why they are skipped.

Please mention the files I definitely have to add a copyright notice.

I was just curious about what you want from me. I just recognized e.g. gcc's README nor ChangeLog have any copyright notice.

My opinion is, ChangeLog follows a specific formatting rule. So don't add in it directly but rather mention the copyright in README.

We should really advance the submission, if you want explanation why I don't add copyright notices to a certain file. Just ask.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 20 Jan 2019 12:50:46 PM UTC, comment #120: 

ChangeLog is as copyrightable as NEWS, and has the same format.  I'd suggest checking all files listed in README since your script skips them.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Mon 10 Dec 2018 05:47:14 PM UTC, comment #119: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Mon 10 Dec 2018 03:32:04 PM UTC, comment #118: 

>  So everything is fine.

Not exactly fine. NEWS is a plain text file, it should have copyright and license notices in itself (by the way, NEWS still has no copyright notice). README is only the fallback for formats that don't allow embedded comments (I'm sorry, I had to repeat this).

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Sun 09 Dec 2018 11:02:55 PM UTC, comment #117: 

Hi Ineiev,

NEWS is listed here:


but anyway added the permissive notice to it.


The script checks if it has a notice in README. So everything is fine. This is why the file was not listed as suspicious.

# ==============================================================================
# title:           Test copyright and license
# description:     This script tests recursive all files to have valid copyright
#                  and license notice.
#                  C header and body files can be either GNU General Public
#                  License v3.0+ or GNU Affero General Public License v3.0+.
#                  XML, DTD, XSL or XSD files can be either GNU Free
#                  Documentation License v1.3 or permissive with copyright
#                  attribution licensed.
#                  Other files are checked against README files in current
#                  directory to have an external copyright and license notice.
#                  Obviously only the most common files and license combination
#                  are tested. Not matching files are listed and the end of
#                  output as "Verify: <filename>". They have a need for manual
#                  review. Note README files are excluded from the check.
# author:          Jo\u00EBl Kr\u00E4hemann
# date:            Sun Oct  7 00:17:53 UTC 2018
# version:         v1.0.0
# usage:           bash test-copyright-and-license.sh
# ==============================================================================

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 09 Dec 2018 04:06:41 PM UTC, comment #116: 

Hello, Joël!

NEWS still has no copyright and license notices.

Do you still use test-copyright-and-license.sh? If yes, did it miss NEWS for some reason, or didn't you check all files the script listed?

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Thu 22 Nov 2018 05:59:51 AM UTC, comment #115: 

removed symlink:


and updated:


Please take a look at:


and thank you for your patience.

by Joël

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Thu 15 Nov 2018 05:42:42 PM UTC, comment #114: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Thu 15 Nov 2018 04:47:51 PM UTC, comment #113: 

I take a look at m4 macro processor. You can imagine that makes somehow sense to me. Because I don't know much about it.

But in general I feel pissed of a little bit :)

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Thu 15 Nov 2018 04:25:53 PM UTC, comment #112: 

No. Don't think you can abuse your power.

If you want comments ask libtool developers.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Thu 15 Nov 2018 04:11:43 PM UTC, comment #111: 

> As previously told libtool expects one symbol per line:

I don't think this is relevant. It would be quite easy to filter out comments before passing the files to libtool.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Sun 11 Nov 2018 11:25:42 AM UTC, comment #110: 

The symlink was just removed.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 11 Nov 2018 11:24:30 AM UTC, comment #109: 

Hi Ineiev,

As previously told libtool expects one symbol per line:


The files you mangled are actually mentioned in the README.


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 11 Nov 2018 07:35:36 AM UTC, comment #108: 

Some .sym files still have no notices, as well as NEWS.

Symbolic links like gtk-doc.make are misleading: they can point to any texts.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Fri 09 Nov 2018 03:15:03 PM UTC, comment #107: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Fri 09 Nov 2018 03:13:55 PM UTC, comment #106: 

Hi Ineiev

I just removed ABOUT-NLS. Do you approve the submission now, please?

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 04 Nov 2018 10:39:42 AM UTC, comment #105: 

I think deleting the file is an option if it doesn't break your package. (Of course, you should make sure that you shan't install it again unintentionally.)

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Sun 04 Nov 2018 04:31:37 AM UTC, comment #104: 

Hi Ineiev,

I could just delete the file. What do you think about it?

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 03 Nov 2018 01:08:43 AM UTC, comment #103: 

Hi Ineiev,

Didn't get any response for a week.


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 27 Oct 2018 04:36:54 PM UTC, comment #102: 

Hi Ineiev,

Just sent Daiki Ueno an email to ask for copyright and license notice.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 27 Oct 2018 04:23:46 PM UTC, comment #101: 

> I think it uses GFDL-1.2+. Can you verify this?

Gettext is FSF-copyrighted, but I couldn't find licensing terms for that file. In order to be sure, one should ask current gettext maintainer, Daiki Ueno <ueno@unixuser.org>.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Wed 17 Oct 2018 04:31:51 PM UTC, comment #100: 

Yes, it should have a notice. Not at least because it was provided by official GNU software `gettext`.

However I think it uses GFDL-1.2+. Can you verify this?

Copyright and license for gettext documentation:

   Copyright (C) 1995-1998, 2001-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   This manual is free documentation.  It is dually licensed under the
GNU FDL and the GNU GPL.  This means that you can redistribute this
manual under either of these two licenses, at your choice.

   This manual is covered by the GNU FDL.  Permission is granted to
copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU
Free Documentation License (FDL), either version 1.2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation (FSF); with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Text,
and with no Back-Cover Texts.

   This manual is covered by the GNU GPL.  You can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
(GPL), either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
version published by the Free Software Foundation (FSF).

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Wed 17 Oct 2018 04:17:37 PM UTC, comment #99: 

> The ABOUT-NLS file was added by autoproject.

Not really: it was added by you. It doesn't matter how you add it.

> No it didn't have a notice at all.

This is the whole point: it should.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Thu 11 Oct 2018 07:06:22 AM UTC, comment #98: 

You have already reported the bug:


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Thu 11 Oct 2018 06:55:49 AM UTC, comment #97: 

The ABOUT-NLS file was added by autoproject. No it didn't have a notice at all.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Wed 10 Oct 2018 04:13:00 PM UTC, comment #96: 

(comment #87):

> What about the GNU FDL-1.3 as docbook XML:


> It doesn't have a copyright notice...

It does have both notices,

> Copyright &#169; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008
>    <ulink url="http://www.fsf.org/">Free Software Foundation, Inc.</ulink>


> Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
>    license document, but changing it is not allowed.

In fact, this is the preferable form in such files: the reader should normally see them.

(comment #88):

> I am unsure about:

Do you mean you copied it from some package, and it had no notices there? Since you add it to your package, it's your responsibility to figure out and add the notices.

(comment #90)..(comment #95) scripts are fine as long as they work.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Sun 07 Oct 2018 12:30:41 AM UTC, comment #95: 

Hi Ineiev,

Would be great to hear of you ... I just added a bash header with description:

# ==============================================================================
# title:           Test copyright and license
# description:     This script tests recursive all files to have valid copyright
#                  and license notice.
#                  C header and body files can be either GNU General Public
#                  License v3.0+ or GNU Affero General Public License v3.0+.
#                  XML, DTD, XSL or XSD files can be either GNU Free
#                  Documentation License v1.3 or permissive with copyright
#                  attribution licensed.
#                  Other files are checked against README files in current
#                  current directory to have an external copyright and license
#                  notice.
#                  Obviously only the most common files and license combination
#                  are tested. Not matching files are listed and the end of
#                  output as "Verify: <filename>". They have a need for manual
#                  review.
# author:          Jo\u00EBl Kr\u00E4hemann
# date:            Sun Oct  7 00:17:53 UTC 2018
# version:         v1.0.0
# usage:           bash test-copyright-and-license.sh
# ==============================================================================

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 07 Oct 2018 12:06:21 AM UTC, comment #94: 

Hi Ineiev,

I could improve the script to check README files for copyright and license notice. So the filtered result looks like:

Summary of suspicious files:
Verify: ./ags/lib/ags_parameter.c
Verify: ./ags/gettext.h
Verify: ./lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/lv2ext/lv2_programs.h
Verify: ./docs/appa.xml
Verify: ./.deps/ags_input_test.Po
Verify: ./ags/Makefile.am
Verify: ./ags/test/object/ags_config_test_sample.conf
Verify: ./ags/widget/ags_widget_marshallers.list
Verify: ./ags/config.h.in
Verify: ./m4/lib-link.m4
Verify: ./m4/po.m4
Verify: ./m4/wint_t.m4
Verify: ./m4/intmax.m4
Verify: ./m4/xsize.m4
Verify: ./m4/inttypes-pri.m4
Verify: ./m4/threadlib.m4
Verify: ./m4/progtest.m4
Verify: ./m4/size_max.m4
Verify: ./m4/uintmax_t.m4
Verify: ./m4/lt~obsolete.m4
Verify: ./m4/intl.m4
Verify: ./m4/intdiv0.m4
Verify: ./m4/Makefile.am
Verify: ./m4/lib-prefix.m4
Verify: ./m4/printf-posix.m4
Verify: ./m4/ltsugar.m4
Verify: ./m4/longlong.m4
Verify: ./m4/nls.m4
Verify: ./m4/lcmessage.m4
Verify: ./m4/ltversion.m4
Verify: ./m4/stdint_h.m4
Verify: ./m4/glibc2.m4
Verify: ./m4/codeset.m4
Verify: ./m4/lock.m4
Verify: ./m4/ltoptions.m4
Verify: ./m4/wchar_t.m4
Verify: ./m4/gettext.m4
Verify: ./m4/iconv.m4
Verify: ./m4/Makefile.in
Verify: ./m4/inttypes_h.m4
Verify: ./m4/glibc21.m4
Verify: ./m4/extern-inline.m4
Verify: ./m4/lib-ld.m4
Verify: ./m4/fcntl-o.m4
Verify: ./m4/intldir.m4
Verify: ./m4/intlmacosx.m4
Verify: ./m4/visibility.m4
Verify: ./m4/libtool.m4
Verify: ./docs/Makefile.am
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-gui/git.mk
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-gui/gtk-doc.make
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-gui/Makefile.am
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-gui/Makefile.in
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-audio/git.mk
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-audio/gtk-doc.make
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-audio/Makefile.am
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-audio/Makefile.in
Verify: ./docs/reference/libgsequencer/git.mk
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Verify: ./docs/reference/libgsequencer/Makefile.in
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags/git.mk
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags/gtk-doc.make
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags/Makefile.am
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags/Makefile.in
Verify: ./po/boldquot.sed
Verify: ./po/Makevars
Verify: ./po/Makefile.in.in
Verify: ./po/Makevars.template
Verify: ./po/stamp-po
Verify: ./po/en@boldquot.header
Verify: ./po/POTFILES.in
Verify: ./po/ChangeLog
Verify: ./po/insert-header.sin
Verify: ./po/*.po
Verify: ./po/remove-potcdate.sin
Verify: ./po/quot.sed
Verify: ./po/Rules-quot
Verify: ./po/en@quot.header
Verify: ./autom4te.cache/traces.0
Verify: ./autom4te.cache/output.1
Verify: ./autom4te.cache/traces.1
Verify: ./autom4te.cache/requests
Verify: ./autom4te.cache/output.0

have fun,

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 06 Oct 2018 10:52:27 PM UTC, comment #93: 

Just fixed a bug:

Summary of suspicious files:
Verify: ./ags/lib/ags_parameter.c
Verify: ./ags/gettext.h
Verify: ./docs/lac2018/calculate-tic.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/config.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/application_mutex.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/add_pattern.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/start_thread.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/linking_safe.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/recycling.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/effects_echo_audio.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/effects_recall_container.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/port.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/linking_prerequisites.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/thread_application_context.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/effects_echo_audio_run.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/effects_echo_channel.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/file_read.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/pcm_info.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/file_write.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/pull_thread.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/audio_application_context.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/audio.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/thread_obj_mutex.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/linking_unsafe.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/file_property.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/effects_echo_channel_run.c
Verify: ./docs/listings/complete_example.c
Verify: ./lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/lv2ext/lv2_programs.h[@]
Verify: ./ags_example.xml
Verify: ./docs/appa.xml
Verify: ./ags_functional_notation_edit_test.xml
Verify: ./COPYING.docs
Verify: ./functional-system-tests.mk.in
Verify: ./compile
Verify: ./libags.sym
Verify: ./configure
Verify: ./libags_audio.sym
Verify: ./.gitignore
Verify: ./depcomp
Verify: ./unit-tests.mk
Verify: ./libags_thread.sym
Verify: ./TODO
Verify: ./libgsequencer.pc.in
Verify: ./aclocal.m4
Verify: ./libags_audio.pc.in
Verify: ./libags.pc.in
Verify: ./configure.ac
Verify: ./INSTALL
Verify: ./NEWS
Verify: ./ltmain.sh
Verify: ./gsequencer-mac-os-x.patch
Verify: ./install-sh
Verify: ./.deps/ags_input_test.Po
Verify: ./ags/Makefile.am
Verify: ./ags/test/object/ags_config_test_sample.conf
Verify: ./ags/object/ags_marshallers.list
Verify: ./ags/object/README
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Verify: ./ags/widget/ags_widget_marshallers.list
Verify: ./ags/config.h.in
Verify: ./ABOUT-NLS
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Verify: ./stamp-h1
Verify: ./COPYING.server
Verify: ./m4/lib-link.m4
Verify: ./m4/po.m4
Verify: ./m4/wint_t.m4
Verify: ./m4/intmax.m4
Verify: ./m4/xsize.m4
Verify: ./m4/inttypes-pri.m4
Verify: ./m4/threadlib.m4
Verify: ./m4/progtest.m4
Verify: ./m4/size_max.m4
Verify: ./m4/uintmax_t.m4
Verify: ./m4/lt~obsolete.m4
Verify: ./m4/intl.m4
Verify: ./m4/intdiv0.m4
Verify: ./m4/Makefile.am
Verify: ./m4/lib-prefix.m4
Verify: ./m4/printf-posix.m4
Verify: ./m4/ltsugar.m4
Verify: ./m4/longlong.m4
Verify: ./m4/README
Verify: ./m4/nls.m4
Verify: ./m4/lcmessage.m4
Verify: ./m4/ltversion.m4
Verify: ./m4/stdint_h.m4
Verify: ./m4/glibc2.m4
Verify: ./m4/codeset.m4
Verify: ./m4/lock.m4
Verify: ./m4/ltoptions.m4
Verify: ./m4/wchar_t.m4
Verify: ./m4/gettext.m4
Verify: ./m4/iconv.m4
Verify: ./m4/Makefile.in
Verify: ./m4/inttypes_h.m4
Verify: ./m4/glibc21.m4
Verify: ./m4/extern-inline.m4
Verify: ./m4/lib-ld.m4
Verify: ./m4/fcntl-o.m4
Verify: ./m4/intldir.m4
Verify: ./m4/intlmacosx.m4
Verify: ./m4/visibility.m4
Verify: ./m4/libtool.m4
Verify: ./README
Verify: ./license-notice-gnu-agpl3-0+-c.txt
Verify: ./COPYING
Verify: ./COPYING.stk-4.3
Verify: ./license-notice-gnu-gpl-3-0+-c.txt
Verify: ./gsequencer.share/styles/README
Verify: ./gsequencer.share/styles/ags.rc
Verify: ./gsequencer.share/icons/ags.xpm
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Verify: ./gsequencer.share/icons/README
Verify: ./gsequencer.share/images/ags.png
Verify: ./gsequencer.share/images/README
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Verify: ./libags_gui.pc.in
Verify: ./gsequencer.desktop.in
Verify: ./libags_gui.sym
Verify: ./libags_server.sym
Verify: ./license-notice-permissive-xml.txt
Verify: ./docs/lac2018/README
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Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-gui/Makefile.am
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-gui/README
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-gui/libags_gui.interfaces
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-gui/libags_gui.types
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-gui/Makefile.in
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-gui/libags_gui-sections.txt
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-audio/git.mk
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-audio/gtk-doc.make
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-audio/libags_audio-sections.txt
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-audio/libags_audio.types
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-audio/Makefile.am
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-audio/README
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Verify: ./docs/reference/libags-audio/libags_audio-overrides.txt
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Verify: ./docs/reference/libgsequencer/README
Verify: ./docs/reference/libgsequencer/libgsequencer.interfaces
Verify: ./docs/reference/libgsequencer/Makefile.in
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags/git.mk
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags/libags.types
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags/gtk-doc.make
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags/libags-overrides.txt
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags/Makefile.am
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags/README
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags/libags-sections.txt
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags/libags.interfaces
Verify: ./docs/reference/libags/Makefile.in
Verify: ./docs/listings/README
Verify: ./docs/images/AGS_recall_lifecycle.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_mixer.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags-toolbar.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_position_wave_cursor_dialog.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_wave_window_audiorec.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_machine_properties-resize_channels.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_select_accelerations_dialog.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_navigation.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_midi_export_wizard_no1.png
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Verify: ./docs/images/ags_syncsynth.png
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Verify: ./docs/images/ags_equalizer10.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_spectrometer.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags-wave-toolbar.png
Verify: ./docs/images/AGS_iterator.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_audio_preferences.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_audio_connection_output_bulk.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_audio_connection_input_bulk.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_machine_envelope_info.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_machine_properties-output.png
Verify: ./docs/images/README
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_midi_dialog.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_position_notation_cursor_dialog.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_ramp_accelerations_dialog.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_crop_notes_dialog.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_ladspa_browser.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_machine_envelope_pattern.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_audiorec.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_generic_preferences.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_panel.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_machine_properties-link_input.png
Verify: ./docs/images/AGS_linking.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_export_window.png
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Verify: ./docs/images/ags_synth.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_automation_window_drum.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_matrix.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_machine_envelope_editor.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_server_preferences.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_position_automation_cursor_dialog.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_audio_connection_output_line.png
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Verify: ./docs/images/ags_select_notes_dialog.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_move_notes_dialog.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_audio_connection_input_line.png
Verify: ./apple_script.sh
Verify: ./config.sub
Verify: ./Makefile.in
Verify: ./po/boldquot.sed
Verify: ./po/Makevars
Verify: ./po/Makefile.in.in
Verify: ./po/Makevars.template
Verify: ./po/README
Verify: ./po/stamp-po
Verify: ./po/en@boldquot.header
Verify: ./po/POTFILES.in
Verify: ./po/ChangeLog
Verify: ./po/insert-header.sin
Verify: ./po/*.po
Verify: ./po/gsequencer.pot
Verify: ./po/remove-potcdate.sin
Verify: ./po/quot.sed
Verify: ./po/Rules-quot
Verify: ./po/en@quot.header
Verify: ./config.h.in
Verify: ./test-copyright-and-license.sh
Verify: ./config.rpath
Verify: ./functional-system-tests.mk.am
Verify: ./autom4te.cache/traces.0
Verify: ./autom4te.cache/output.1
Verify: ./autom4te.cache/traces.1
Verify: ./autom4te.cache/requests
Verify: ./autom4te.cache/output.0
Verify: ./missing
Verify: ./acsite.m4
Verify: ./gsequencer.1
Verify: ./functional-tests.mk
Verify: ./AUTHORS
Verify: ./midi2xml.1

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 06 Oct 2018 10:38:13 PM UTC, comment #92: 

Hi Ineiev,

I just have improved the script to check full license notice and match all files. Here is its output:

Verify: ./COPYING.docs
Verify: ./functional-system-tests.mk.in
Verify: ./compile
Verify: ./libags.sym
Verify: ./configure
Verify: ./libags_audio.sym
Verify: ./.gitignore
Verify: ./depcomp
Verify: ./unit-tests.mk
Verify: ./libags_thread.sym
Verify: ./TODO
Verify: ./libgsequencer.pc.in
Verify: ./aclocal.m4
Verify: ./libags_audio.pc.in
Verify: ./libags.pc.in
Verify: ./configure.ac
Verify: ./INSTALL
Verify: ./NEWS
Verify: ./ltmain.sh
Verify: ./gsequencer-mac-os-x.patch
Verify: ./install-sh
Verify: ./.deps/ags_input_test.Po
Verify: ./ags/Makefile.am
Verify: ./ags/test/object/ags_config_test_sample.conf
Verify: ./ags/object/ags_marshallers.list
Verify: ./ags/object/README
Verify: ./ags/widget/README
Verify: ./ags/widget/ags_widget_marshallers.list
Verify: ./ags/config.h.in
Verify: ./ABOUT-NLS
Verify: ./description
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Verify: ./Makefile.am
Verify: ./stamp-h1
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Verify: ./m4/lib-link.m4
Verify: ./m4/po.m4
Verify: ./m4/wint_t.m4
Verify: ./m4/intmax.m4
Verify: ./m4/xsize.m4
Verify: ./m4/inttypes-pri.m4
Verify: ./m4/threadlib.m4
Verify: ./m4/progtest.m4
Verify: ./m4/size_max.m4
Verify: ./m4/uintmax_t.m4
Verify: ./m4/lt~obsolete.m4
Verify: ./m4/intl.m4
Verify: ./m4/intdiv0.m4
Verify: ./m4/Makefile.am
Verify: ./m4/lib-prefix.m4
Verify: ./m4/printf-posix.m4
Verify: ./m4/ltsugar.m4
Verify: ./m4/longlong.m4
Verify: ./m4/README
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Verify: ./m4/lcmessage.m4
Verify: ./m4/ltversion.m4
Verify: ./m4/stdint_h.m4
Verify: ./m4/glibc2.m4
Verify: ./m4/codeset.m4
Verify: ./m4/lock.m4
Verify: ./m4/ltoptions.m4
Verify: ./m4/wchar_t.m4
Verify: ./m4/gettext.m4
Verify: ./m4/iconv.m4
Verify: ./m4/Makefile.in
Verify: ./m4/inttypes_h.m4
Verify: ./m4/glibc21.m4
Verify: ./m4/extern-inline.m4
Verify: ./m4/lib-ld.m4
Verify: ./m4/fcntl-o.m4
Verify: ./m4/intldir.m4
Verify: ./m4/intlmacosx.m4
Verify: ./m4/visibility.m4
Verify: ./m4/libtool.m4
Verify: ./README
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Verify: ./COPYING
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Verify: ./license-notice-gnu-gpl-3-0+-c.txt
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Verify: ./gsequencer.share/images/README
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Verify: ./gsequencer.desktop.in
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Verify: ./docs/images/ags_machine_properties-link_input.png
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Verify: ./docs/images/ags_export_window.png
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Verify: ./docs/images/ags_midi_preferences.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_drum.png
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Verify: ./docs/images/AGS_super-threaded.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_synth.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_automation_window_drum.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_matrix.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_machine_envelope_editor.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_server_preferences.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_position_automation_cursor_dialog.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_audio_connection_output_line.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_midi_export_wizard_no2.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_select_notes_dialog.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_move_notes_dialog.png
Verify: ./docs/images/ags_audio_connection_input_line.png
Verify: ./apple_script.sh
Verify: ./config.sub
Verify: ./Makefile.in
Verify: ./po/boldquot.sed
Verify: ./po/Makevars
Verify: ./po/Makefile.in.in
Verify: ./po/Makevars.template
Verify: ./po/README
Verify: ./po/stamp-po
Verify: ./po/en@boldquot.header
Verify: ./po/POTFILES.in
Verify: ./po/ChangeLog
Verify: ./po/insert-header.sin
Verify: ./po/*.po
Verify: ./po/gsequencer.pot
Verify: ./po/remove-potcdate.sin
Verify: ./po/quot.sed
Verify: ./po/Rules-quot
Verify: ./po/en@quot.header
Verify: ./config.h.in
Verify: ./test-copyright-and-license.sh
Verify: ./config.rpath
Verify: ./functional-system-tests.mk.am
Verify: ./autom4te.cache/traces.0
Verify: ./autom4te.cache/output.1
Verify: ./autom4te.cache/traces.1
Verify: ./autom4te.cache/requests
Verify: ./autom4te.cache/output.0
Verify: ./missing
Verify: ./acsite.m4
Verify: ./gsequencer.1
Verify: ./functional-tests.mk
Verify: ./AUTHORS
Verify: ./midi2xml.1

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 06 Oct 2018 09:54:29 PM UTC, comment #91: 

Hi Ineiev,

I just improved the script to get following result:

Verify: ags/lib/ags_parameter.c
Verify: ags/gettext.h
Verify: ags/audio/midi/ags_midi_file.dtd
Verify: ags/Makefile.am
Verify: ags/test/object/ags_config_test_sample.conf
Verify: ags/test/file/ags_file_test_find_id_ref_by_xpath_sample.xml
Verify: ags/object/ags_marshallers.list
Verify: ags/object/README
Verify: ags/file/ags_file.dtd
Verify: ags/widget/README
Verify: ags/widget/ags_widget_marshallers.list
Verify: ags/config.h.in
Verify: ags/server/security/ags_authentication.dtd
Verify: ags/server/security/ags_certificate.dtd
Verify: ags/server/security/ags_password_store.dtd
Verify: ags/X/file/ags_simple_file.dtd

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 06 Oct 2018 09:33:43 PM UTC, comment #90: 


I just created the script listing suspicious files:


The only files to verify are:

Verify: ags/lib/ags_parameter.c
Verify: ags/gettext.h

They contain valid copyright and license notice.

Now it is up to you


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 06 Oct 2018 08:51:18 PM UTC, comment #89: 


I have checked every directory, now.


I hope this satisfies your needs. About ALL FILES matching "ags_*.[ch]" they 100 % contain license and copyright notices. Since, I knew this is important.

But I didn't care about the build-system, scripts and XML files. I have these type of files all checked manually.


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 06 Oct 2018 07:44:56 PM UTC, comment #88: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 06 Oct 2018 06:49:20 PM UTC, comment #87: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 06 Oct 2018 03:57:43 PM UTC, comment #86: 


You were "right", if you would have know about missing notices in: unit_tests.mk ...

Why didn't you tell me about?



Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Fri 05 Oct 2018 01:12:19 PM UTC, comment #85: 

Hi Ineiev,

Just did some thoughts, is it that you care about if I am able to careful maintain the Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer code base?

Well, for my defense the missing copyleft was no problem for the build system as I did my initial submission.

I hope you understand that this is important to me. Further, I am sorry about losing patience.

Bests regards,

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Fri 05 Oct 2018 11:22:21 AM UTC, comment #84: 

First, you do some wrong interpretation of what I am telling you.

Second, you don't believe in my intention.

Third, you even do false accusation.

If it is your want to stop development of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer, then I have to leave.

Now, I want you to response to the key statements:

  1. Is it about trust?
  2. What file has no copyright and license notice?
  3. What do you don't understand as telling you ALL FILES have a valid copyleft?

Please answer to these simple questions above, no ambiguous interpretation that doesn't make any sense to me.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Fri 05 Oct 2018 11:08:56 AM UTC, comment #83: 

Hi Ineiev,
You seem to ignore key aspects of my statements. Can we meet on IRC to talk about the issues. I find it hard to argue asynchronously.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Fri 05 Oct 2018 09:18:22 AM UTC, comment #82: 

> It is time to tell you what to recognize. ALL FILES related to the application contain valid copyright and license notices. This means all files matching the pattern: ags_*.[ch]

This is where we disagree: all files in your repository are related to the application; if not, they don't belong it.

You might say that many files won't go to the new package; however, the old package, Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer, is subject to the same policies. I can re-open its submission if you wish, and we'll return to this task #14667 after it's fixed.

> Your argumentation has some incompleteness and looks not serious.

I'm sorry to read this. I'm afraid you'll have to take it seriously.

> You want me to do your job

My job, i.e. checking the files, is a part of your job, because you are to enforce the compliance.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Fri 05 Oct 2018 12:27:31 AM UTC, comment #81: 

Hi Ineiev,

Here is as an alternate link, note the .webm clip is still converting. So as for now only as .mp4 file.


I would recommend to watch it. In order to know who I am. I think there is an uncertainty about trust in me.


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Thu 04 Oct 2018 08:22:36 PM UTC, comment #80: 

Hi Ineiev,

If you are interested in a overview of the application, here is a youtube link.


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Thu 04 Oct 2018 08:20:33 PM UTC, comment #79: 

Hi Ineiev,

It is time to tell you what to recognize. ALL FILES related to the application contain valid copyright and license notices. This means all files matching the pattern:


Your argumentation has some incompleteness and looks not serious. You want me to do your job, I have checked at least 3 may be 4 to  5 times all unrelated files to application, if they contain the notices, too.

You decide and it is your job to verify that the files are correct. I just tell you 100% of the files contain such notices.

If not then because they where either unrelated or of temporary nature. Look at this file:


I just wanted to test if everything works as expected, it is of temporary nature because the integration tests should make it useless.

At most, I take it for serious to do proper licensing. Your behavior just causes some bad ambience. Might be, I didn't express myself strong enough.

Well, I love my freedom and I did the notices in truth and faith. I believe in there is no editor but emacs, the 4 freedoms and access to good software shall not be a privilege.

by Joël

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Wed 03 Oct 2018 02:59:01 PM UTC, comment #78: 

> All files have now copyright and license notice. If not, because I didn't recognize it.

Then we should make sure that you now recognize it correctly.

  • How did you recognize them before?
  • How is it different now?
  • What should those notices look like?
Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Sun 30 Sep 2018 11:52:51 AM UTC, comment #77: 

Hi Ineiev,

All files have now copyright and license notice. If not, because I didn't recognize it.

FYI, I just updated the docs and did some additional notices:


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 30 Sep 2018 09:27:47 AM UTC, comment #76: 

I think I'm not on the same page.

You say you didn't miss any files. Before comment #69, copyrightable files like configure.ac had no copyright and license notices. Do you mean you left them without notices intentionally?

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Thu 20 Sep 2018 09:58:05 AM UTC, comment #75: 

Hi Ineiev,

What is wrong with you? You told me to mention copyright notice in README if no supported in specific files. I even showed you the README with the matching line number.

If you want to know why symbol files don't support comments ask GCC developers. For the marshaller files ask GLib-Object upstream.

I just want to say, I didn't miss any files.


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Thu 20 Sep 2018 06:20:42 AM UTC, comment #74: 

I think this calls for another question, namely, why these files don't support comments, and doesn't answer the original questions:

> Did you make sure that all files in your tarball have valid copyright and license notices?


> (In fact, how did it come out that you missed the files I pointed out previously, in comment #69?)

(I've corrected the comment No when citing comment #72).

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Wed 19 Sep 2018 06:40:14 PM UTC, comment #73: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Wed 19 Sep 2018 05:47:00 PM UTC, comment #72: 

Hi, Joël,

Did you make sure that all files in your tarball have valid copyright and license notices?

(In fact, how did it come out that you missed the files I pointed out previously, in comment #64?)

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Tue 18 Sep 2018 09:50:26 PM UTC, comment #71: 

Hi Ineiev,

Didn't hear for a while. Why? By the way, I did the release of 2.0.0, about a week ago.

I would really love to see some advance. Sorry, for being really busy because I had to fix bugs. As for today, we have micro release 2.0.12. Hell, a lot of code was broken, due to refactoring.

Tomorrow, I intend to do a screencast and the audio shall be recorded by GSequencer itselves. I wanted to do so on Saturday but recognized there is a need to improve the code.


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Tue 11 Sep 2018 07:32:20 PM UTC, comment #70: 

I have corrected the mentioned files missing copyright.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Tue 11 Sep 2018 07:46:02 AM UTC, comment #69: 

functional-tests.mk still have no copyright notice.

apple_script.sch have neither copyright nor license notices.

Please check other files as well, I didn't check them all.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Wed 05 Sep 2018 02:54:46 PM UTC, comment #68: 

Just added missing copyright notices.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Wed 05 Sep 2018 02:46:15 PM UTC, comment #67: 


Well, the copyright notice is missing for many files in docs/*. Although the document itself states: Copyright (C)  &jkraehemann;

But the XML files are going to be fixed.

Just commited gsequencer.share/styles/ags.rc, I was thinking about the gsequencer.share/styles/README

Thank you,

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Wed 05 Sep 2018 02:02:56 PM UTC, comment #66: 

> ags.xsl contains...

Yes, it does. That text is a license notice, it isn't a copyright notice. The copyright notice is absent.

> gsequencer.1...

That text is ambiguous. "Version 3 or later" doesn't necessarily mean that the user is free to apply any GPL version since 3.

> Other files
> They all include valid copyright notices, afaik.

No. For instance, gsequencer.share/styles/ags.rc doesn't. Please check what valid copyright and license notices should look like.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Wed 05 Sep 2018 01:10:51 PM UTC, comment #65: 


  • ags.xsl contains:

<!-- Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, -->
<!-- are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright -->
<!-- notice and this notice are preserved.  This file is offered as-is, -->
<!-- without any warranty. -->

  • gsequencer.1

This manual page is part of GSequencer. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>

  • gsequencer.share/demo-songs/agsly.xml

Was just removed

  • ags/test/scale_test.c

I just wanted to test something, but fixed anyway.

  • functional-tests.mk

This was fixed.

  • Other files

They all include valid copyright notices, afaik.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Mon 03 Sep 2018 12:52:13 PM UTC, comment #64: 

Short licenses like COPYING.stk-4.3 should be embedded directly in the relevant source files, there is no need to put them in dedicated files.

ags/test/scale_test.c have neither copyright nor license notices.

The notices for ags/object/ags_marshal.c moved to README, this is not correct; README is only a fallback for the formats that don't allow for notices.

ags.xsl configure.ac have no valid copyright notice.

The license notice in gsequencer.1 is ambiguous: it doesn't say at whose option GPL version number is.

I didn't look through all files; please check other files as well.

Since you'll edit files to fix those issues, anyway, I recommend
using the full form of GPL notices in README files,

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Sat 01 Sep 2018 11:34:35 PM UTC, comment #63: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 01 Sep 2018 11:33:49 PM UTC, comment #62: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 01 Sep 2018 02:54:36 PM UTC, comment #61: 

Hi Ineiev,

Did you recognize the GSequencer-v2.0.0-beta release. I just decided to capture audio can wait until 2.1.x. So I move forward on cleaning the source code. My intension is to do the definitive release, soon. I think in 1-2 weeks we release 2.0.0.


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Tue 28 Aug 2018 10:58:29 AM UTC, comment #60: 

Yes, I think it's the full text of the license; I believe it's GPL-compatible.

No, I didn't see that text (and text of any other license) on that page.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Tue 28 Aug 2018 09:10:22 AM UTC, comment #59: 

I have provided even the line number. Yes it contains more than one license there. Do you think it is not the full text?

License: STK-4.3
 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
 a copy of this software and associated documentation files
 (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
 including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
 publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
 and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
 subject to the following conditions:
 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
 included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
 Any person wishing to distribute modifications to the Software is
 requested to send the modifications to the original developer so that
 they can be incorporated into the canonical version. This is, however,
 not a binding provision of this license.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Tue 28 Aug 2018 05:58:33 AM UTC, comment #58: 

I see no license text on that page.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Tue 28 Aug 2018 01:13:40 AM UTC, comment #57: 

Hi Ineiev,

Debian packages contain for such exotic licenses the full text. Please take a look at:

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Mon 27 Aug 2018 05:18:50 PM UTC, comment #56: 

I see; that repository does contain such files; they say, "declare license "STK-4.3"; // Synthesis Tool Kit 4.3 (MIT style license)", but what is the actual text of that license?

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Fri 24 Aug 2018 06:44:44 AM UTC, comment #55: 

Hi Ineiev,

Faust is a programming language specialized on music synthesis. Thought, he says most people get it by the Faust distribution: In Faust's filters.lib, search for peak_eq, shelf, etc.  Faust compiles to pretty tight C++.  Or you can adapt my online book code as your prefer.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Fri 24 Aug 2018 05:51:57 AM UTC, comment #54: 

> It looks good so far. At the week-end, I intend to do the beta release.

Good, I'll check it.

> Can you tell me any tool to inspect the files automated?

Not really. Assaf had a beta-level script, but I even couldn't make it run locally for me. I do it manually like $view `find . -type f`.

> My Faust code is all licensed "STK-4.3"

When I download a snapshot of the master branch of Faust from GitHub, the license specified is GPLv2+. Is that a different program?

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Wed 22 Aug 2018 08:53:13 AM UTC, comment #53: 

Update, I got a reply for the email sent, yesterday. He says it is safe to reuse the code: My Faust code is all licensed "STK-4.3", which is basically MIT license plus a non-binding request to contribute bugfixes/improvements.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Wed 22 Aug 2018 12:14:07 AM UTC, comment #52: 

Hi Ineiev,

I would love to provide a 10 band peaking equalizer. Much of the work was done so far, except the relaying algorithm.


^^ this function is going to be fixed because it is not what I want.

I tried to contact the author of:


But without any response, so far. Do you think it is safe to use his finding and rewrite it as a GSequencer effect processor?

I am unsure about because it is more than just a+b (this is actual how you mix audio buffers). Else, do you know anyone able to provide me some basics that we can reuse?

I have a lot to do in view of the beta release, at worst case I am going to derive my own equalizer algorithm.

thank you,

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Tue 21 Aug 2018 11:49:36 PM UTC, comment #51: 

It looks good so far. At the week-end, I intend to do the beta release. Can you tell me any tool to inspect the files automated? Might be I didn't see an issue.
Note, I did my focus on reworking libags_audio.so.2. libags_thread.so.1's symbols are going to be merged into libags.so.2 and thus the library will be removed.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Mon 21 May 2018 07:21:54 AM UTC, comment #50: 

Very well, we'll wait.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Sun 20 May 2018 12:22:34 PM UTC, comment #49: 

Hi Ineiev,

If you are asking for manual check of the files, then I have a need for some more time. In February I started to rework the entire code base. The idea was edit every file and fix what is needed.

I have reviewed many files so far. If there is a problem with any license notice I am going to discover it.

I started with the audio part of the project:


The goal is to identify not used code for removal and update the lock strategy of objects. There are some other changes I do and it is in a very experimental state. Please consider my RSS feed of GSequencer on savannah for further informations.

My desired dead-line is in August to complete the manual review. For every file edited, I even update the copyright year.

I don't think that there should be any problem with my distribution. Since the files I wrote are either GFDLv1.3, AGPLv3 or GPL3. These are the licenses I prefer.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 19 May 2018 03:49:48 PM UTC, comment #48: 

Thank you, Joël.

Have you checked all files in your distribution?

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Thu 17 May 2018 06:19:46 PM UTC, comment #47: 


It is located here, dates back to February 2004 (the early days).


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Thu 17 May 2018 06:11:17 PM UTC, comment #46: 

Just added the copyright:

Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Joël Krähemann


I prefere the range because you have to regard it as entire. Thought, the logo is older but can't tell the exact creation date.

If you want to know in detail we have to do some research in very old release and may be find a stolen notebook. Or do some data recovery on old floppy disks.


^^ Here are some files I was able to rescue. The earliest timestamp is around April or May of 2004.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Thu 17 May 2018 05:52:23 PM UTC, comment #45: 

Just completed icon PNGs metadata and added GPLv3 as license.


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Thu 17 May 2018 04:11:48 PM UTC, comment #44: 

I just edited meta information of the PNGs and added GFDL v1.3 as license.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Thu 17 May 2018 01:24:21 PM UTC, comment #43: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Thu 17 May 2018 01:08:33 PM UTC, comment #42: 

Hi Ineiev

Sorry for the delayed response. I have missed your reply.

As an excuse, I revise the entire code base. This is a really time consuming task.

My will, is definitely to match hosting requirements. I hope you understand. The large amount of code makes it difficult to maintain. Any help would be appreciated.

AGS_iterator.png is listed here:



Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Tue 01 May 2018 11:56:47 AM UTC, comment #41: 

You did, but you haven't completed it: for example, images/docs/AGS_iterator.png lacks copyright notices. I've already pointed to GNU documentation about what licensing notices and copyright notices should look like.

I begin to think that your package has no resources to fulfil Savannah hosting requirements.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Tue 01 May 2018 11:38:12 AM UTC, comment #40: 

Yes, I did so.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Tue 01 May 2018 10:44:17 AM UTC, comment #39: 

Please make sure all files in your distribution follow GNU guidelines; in particular, every file should have both copyright and license notices.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Fri 27 Apr 2018 08:24:39 AM UTC, comment #38: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Tue 10 Apr 2018 05:57:45 PM UTC, comment #37: 

Please make sure all files in your distribution follow GNU guidelines. Every file should have both copyright and license notices; for formats that don't allow embedded comments, the notices should be written in the README in the same directory as the files in question.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Wed 04 Apr 2018 06:19:34 PM UTC, comment #36: 

Hi Ineiev,

Just updated the README and I am more explicit, now. Sorry about the icons missing license notes.

Well their origin is from the very same GIMP file.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Wed 04 Apr 2018 03:47:25 PM UTC, comment #35: 

Copyright and license notices for some files still differ from what GNU guidelines  say: for example, gsequencer.share/images has no README where copyright and license for the images would be explained; even in the top-directory README, ags.png has no copyright notice, and ags_supermoon-800x450.png doesn't seem to be mentioned anywhere.

Notices like "GPLv3+" and "Following listings are used by the documentation and hence are distributed under the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or
any later version published by the Free Software Foundation" (without "(at your option)") are ambiguous.

Please make all files in your distribution compliant.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Sun 01 Apr 2018 07:30:39 PM UTC, comment #34: 

However it was not clear to me what license exactly. So I just removed it and disabled the unit-test.


The changes go to master as soon the 2.0.x branch is ready for release.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 01 Apr 2018 07:12:00 PM UTC, comment #33: 

Hi Ineiev,

Well he promises at least that mda-lv2 is 100 % free software.


If this statement is not clear enough, I am going to remove the file. Since I can't add the copyright myself.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 01 Apr 2018 05:10:10 PM UTC, comment #32: 

Hello, Joël;

I wouldn't like to consider the issue under this angle: what particular files I don't want. My personal preferences shouldn't matter; the point is that the maintainers of the package should follow Savannah policies, including the rules about copyright status and distribution terms (I don't think I should put a link here, because you must have read all those things carefully when you submitted your package to GNU, agreeing to follow all those guidelines).

Do you think that file was compliant with the policies? If yes, please explain how.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Wed 14 Mar 2018 09:45:37 PM UTC, comment #31: 

Hi Ineiev,

Please, tell me what file exactly you don't want in the repository and I am going to delete them.

The last discourse to figure out copyright wasn't fun at all. It is easier to remove or replace the files mentioned.

I think the automake, gettext or gtk+-2.0 related files can stay. Since other GNU software makes use of it, too.

I never got any response from the maintainer of EPiano-presets.ttl. I think this is because the situation is not really clear. The plugin was actually written by someone else.

Just fixed the 3 files copyright notice.



Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Thu 22 Feb 2018 03:30:22 PM UTC, comment #30: 

> Either they have a valid copyright and license notice or otherwise stated here:
> http://git.savannah.nongnu.org/cgit/gsequencer.git/tree/README?h=2.0.x#n50

Notes like "licensed under the terms of GNU GPLv3+" are not clear enough, could you use a form recommended by the GNU project?

Some files like docs/images/ags_ffplayer.png still lack copyright notices, and the form of the "copyright notice" for the others is not valid, like "copyright provided by Stefan Sauer", please check what a copyright notice should look like. (Note that the README file should be located in the same directory as the files whose notices it includes.)

I'm sorry I have to cite these documents since you must had read them before you offered your package for the GNU project.

> Just found 4 files without any:


> But only this one is included in the tarball:

Why are the 3 other included in VCS? Strictly speaking, you distribute them. Why do you make your repository technically undistributable?

> http://git.savannah.nongnu.org/cgit/gsequencer.git/tree/ags_functional_notation_edit_test.xml?h=2.0.x
> It is a file produced by GSequencer and used by the unit-tests. 
> I think mention it in the README would be fine because the
> application doesn't support adding license notes.

I agree.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Thu 22 Feb 2018 05:16:16 AM UTC, comment #29: 

Hi Ineiev,

Either they have a valid copyright and license notice or otherwise stated here:


Just found 4 files without any:


But only this one is included in the tarball:


It is a file produced by GSequencer and used by the unit-tests. I think mention it in the README would be fine because the application doesn't support adding license notes.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Wed 21 Feb 2018 04:31:00 PM UTC, comment #28: 

What about other files in your tarball? Do they all have valid copyright and license notices?

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Sun 04 Feb 2018 10:00:49 PM UTC, comment #27: 

Hi Ineiev,

I have just contacted the maintainer of the package mda-lv2.

By Joël

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 04 Feb 2018 03:48:33 PM UTC, comment #26: 

Hello, Joël!

I'd appreciate it very much if you replied on Savannah rather than by email, it would be much more convenient for me.

> It is the original file provided by the mda-lv2 package.

I don't think this is relevant.  Any file you distribute should have valid notices.

> First it is not common to *.ttl files to have license notes

Why not?

> and I have stated the license note in the README (see last line)

First, the README file should be located in the same directory with the file in question, second, you still didn't provide a valid copyright notice, please check https://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/html_node/Copyright-Notices.html to see how they should look like, and the license notice is also not satisfactorily unambiguous; for recommended texts please see the licenses themselves, https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html and https://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/html_node/License-Notices-for-Code.html.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Fri 02 Feb 2018 10:17:05 AM UTC, comment #25: 

lv2.lib/mda/EPiano-presets.ttl has no notices.

Please make sure every file in your tarball has valid copyright and license notices.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Tue 30 Jan 2018 10:39:02 AM UTC, comment #24: 

gsequencer.1 lacks a license notice.

Please make sure every file in your tarball has valid copyright and license notices.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Thu 25 Jan 2018 10:03:38 PM UTC, comment #23: 


I just have updated gtk-doc related copyright notices.


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sun 15 Oct 2017 07:51:10 AM UTC, comment #22: 

Just regenerated gsequencer.1 and midi2xml.1 and added more copyright notes to README.

Still waiting for gtk-doc.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 14 Oct 2017 08:44:38 PM UTC, comment #21: 

lv2_programs.h actually uses ISC license.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 14 Oct 2017 07:12:55 PM UTC, comment #20: 

Just commited a new version of the README

I am unsure about if this is really BSD licensed, could you verify this:

Still missing is response of gettext and gtk-doc.

Thank you,

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 14 Oct 2017 05:47:20 PM UTC, comment #19: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 14 Oct 2017 05:40:42 PM UTC, comment #18: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 14 Oct 2017 05:39:39 PM UTC, comment #17: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 14 Oct 2017 05:05:45 PM UTC, comment #16: 


The code produced by `glib-genmarshal` might be able to redistribute under the terms of GNU LGPLv2.1+.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 14 Oct 2017 04:30:30 PM UTC, comment #15: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 14 Oct 2017 04:18:19 PM UTC, comment #14: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 14 Oct 2017 03:55:25 PM UTC, comment #13: 

The person was in #debian-multimedia channel on irc.oftc.net

But never mind, I need some time to figure out what copyright is eligible.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Sat 14 Oct 2017 01:35:18 PM UTC, comment #12: 

> Recently I have stated that libags_server.so is licensed under the terms of the GNU AGPLv3+. The person corrected me and told we license source files and not binaries.

The person? Who were they?

Certainly you can distribute binaries under the AGPLv3, it has specific provisions for that case; if you do, these binaries are licensed under the terms of the GNU AGPLv3.

> You are complaining about copyright of generated files. I think it is questionable if you can license them at all.

I believe I can.  When people download a binary installer, it usually comes with a message saying the terms of use of the program it installs, that is, license.  Why do you think generated files are not licensable?

> Another problem is more that as you run `autoreconf -fi` new versions of the files are going to be installed. So copyright notice would be in first instance misleading.

I again misunderstand you.  Please elaborate: how would it be misleading?

> Recently I read about RMS arguing with free software license you should obtain a patent, too. Is this yet solved?

I'm not sure what you are speaking about.  Could you share a link?

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Fri 13 Oct 2017 08:45:52 PM UTC, comment #11: 

Recently I have stated that libags_server.so is licensed under the terms of the GNU AGPLv3+. The person corrected me and told we license source files and not binaries.

You are complaining about copyright of generated files. I think it is questionable if you can license them at all.

Another problem is more that as you run `autoreconf -fi` new versions of the files are going to be installed. So copyright notice would be in first instance misleading. Uncertain copyright fits the situation best since it is up to upstream to make copyright decisions.

Recently I read about RMS arguing with free software license you should obtain a patent, too. Is this yet solved?

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Fri 13 Oct 2017 05:06:23 PM UTC, comment #10: 

I'm surely misunderstand your explanation: how do you justify files of uncertain copyright status (which means those files are forbidden to distribute) in your tarball?

Unfortunately, the submission of gsequencer doesn't clarify that very much.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Thu 12 Oct 2017 06:15:16 PM UTC, comment #9: 

Hi Ineiev,

Sorry about that but these copyrights don't belong to me. Assumed upstream changes licensing of gettext, autoconf, automake, glib-genmarshal or gtk-doc. Those files would be replaced.

During a prior submission we got to the conscience that what I say there is the actual truth.

Please look at the original submission of https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/gsequencer/

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Thu 12 Oct 2017 04:43:28 PM UTC, comment #8: 

There are lines in README like

> Third-party files with uncertain copyright provided by ...

Your package can't include any files with uncertain copyright, such files make your package legally undistributable; please find out their exact copyright status or don't use them in your package.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Thu 12 Oct 2017 05:30:45 AM UTC, comment #7: 
Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Thu 12 Oct 2017 05:24:11 AM UTC, comment #6: 

Hi Ineiev,

Regardless that gsequencer.1.xml does not get to the requested repository. I just have added a copyright notice.


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Wed 11 Oct 2017 01:49:14 PM UTC, comment #5: 

If there is no further interest, I'll cancel this submission.

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Sat 30 Sep 2017 04:08:03 PM UTC, comment #4: 

I see; now, all copyrightable files should have valid copyright and license notices; in your tarball, files like libags_audio.sym and gsequencer.1 have none.

Could you fix that?

(Please note that I point to just two first files without notices I've encountered; there are likely to be more.)

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Fri 29 Sep 2017 09:03:01 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Note there aren't more functions available by these dependencies it is just for platform specific input or output.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Fri 29 Sep 2017 07:57:02 PM UTC, comment #2: 

You can build the libraries without OSS4 or core-audio support.

Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>
Fri 29 Sep 2017 03:24:09 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Hello, Joël!

I can see that you list OSS4 as GPLv2-licensed; in fact, the situation seems more complicated: their site provides "open-sourced" and proprietary version, in the latter they add some hardware drivers (so it may be considered more capable).

Then, you say you have an outright proprietary dependency, core-audio. Savannah policies doesn't allow that.

Could you comment on this?

Ineiev <ineiev>
Site Administrator
Fri 29 Sep 2017 01:42:46 PM UTC, original submission:  

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Registration Details

  • Name: Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer Library
  • System Name:  libags
  • Type: non-GNU software and documentation
  • License: GNU General Public License v3 or later (The libags-server is published under the terms of the GNU AGPLv3+. All human edited documentation and manuals are published under the terms of GFDLv1.3

May provide additional third-party components, please consider README to know about specific copyright notes.


Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer Library provides common objects and methods to applications. It is written in GNU C using GObject. The goal of the project is to provide abstraction of specific tasks. Like having synchronized threads, remote control of your application using XMLRPC or parallel tree based data processing.

The project provides following libraries:

  • libags
    • utility and library routines
    • core functions and basic abstraction
    • application context and configuration
    • persistence
  • libags-thread
    • synchronized thread tree
    • worker threads
    • thread pool
    • non-blocking task engine
  • libags-server
    • common controllers
    • authentication
    • registry and remote control
  • libags-audio
    • tree based representation of audio data
    • modular processing units
    • parallel computing tree

Other Software Required:

gettext, GPLv3+, http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/,
libglib-2.0, LGPLv2+, http://www.gtk.org/,
libxml2, ?, http://xmlsoft.org/,
XMLRPC-C, BSD-3-clause, http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/,
libuuid1, GPLv2+, http://freecode.com/projects/util-linux/
LADSPA, LGPL-2.1+, http://ladspa.org,
DSSI, LGPL-2.1+, http://dssi.sourceforge.net/,
LV2, ISC license, http://lv2plug.in/,
libinstpatch-1.0, LGPLv2, http://swamiproject.org/,
libsndfile-1.0, LGPLv2+, http://mega-nerd.com/,
libsamplerate, GPLv2+, http://mega-nerd.com/,
alsa-lib, LGPL-2.1+, http://www.alsa-project.org/,
OSS4, GPLv2, http://www.opensound.com/,
Jack Audio Connection Kit, LGPL-2.1+, http://jackaudio.org/,
pulseaudio, LGPL-2.1+, https://freedesktop.org/,
core-audio, proprietary, http://developer.apple.com/,

Other Comments:

As process of applying to the GNU project it was recommended to split http://nongnu.org/gsequencer into 2 separate projects.

Tarball URL:


Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann>


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    2018-05-01 ineiev Should Start On- -
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