bugGlobulation 2 - Bugs: bug #16248, timer mod


bug #16248: timer mod

Submitter:  Kai Antweiler <snth>
Submitted:  Sun 02 Apr 2006 04:10:36 PM UTC
Severity:  1 - Wish Status:  Postponed
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  None Operating System:  None
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Sat 15 Jul 2006 12:07:30 PM UTC, comment #4: 

I don't like judges desiding the outcome of a war. if it's war, last man standing should deside.

how would you like a mod where ressources don't grow or stop growing after some time? that puts a more indefinite end to every game.

or an armageddon-mod: the players can deside for themselfes when to start armageddon:
 - all workers turn into warriors
 - all upgrades take 1s flat, so after this decision all the possibly 150 new warriors would run through the barracks, tracks and pools and be ready to fight.
 - units start armageddon-phase with 100% food
 - inns and towers start armageddon-phase filled to 100%
 - swarms, schools, markets stop working and disappear (maybe loose 5hp/s)

Leo Wandersleb <giszmo>
Group Member
Sun 30 Apr 2006 04:12:01 PM UTC, comment #3: 

> What this "best" means I don't know by now.

I think apart from timing mod we should implement some scoreing maybe visible to opponents, too. And then i would use this instead of "prestige=n L3 Schools" as this is not natural at all and only aplies at the end of game as L3 schools appear.

A possible scoreing would be:
Value of buildings (wood spent x 1 + wheat spent x 1 + stone spent x 2 + algae spent x 3) * health-status
+ value of units (1+poollevel+tracklevel+schoollevel+barracklevel) x healthstatus.

Leo Wandersleb <giszmo>
Group Member
Mon 03 Apr 2006 06:37:22 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Prestige is a natural choice since it is already implemented.
I guess the AIs could deal with prestige without much modification.

Another interesting possibility is to use a mix of different values to
estimate which player would have won if the game would have continued.
But that's hard.  On the other end: AIs could stay the way the are.

My favorite is:
using something which would be negative in a full length game.  Like
the team with the fewest globs wins.  When the timer is running low,
you'd have to change strategy and decimate your own population - or
kill off your enemy before the time is up.  This could be an extremely
interesting (asymmetric) situation, in which recon and quick strategic
decisions dominate the game.

I forgot to mention that time in globulation could also be used to
split a game into different phases in which you are aloud different
For example:

1. we could begin with a two minute phase in which every produced worker
is level 3 in construction, running and swimming.  This should speed
up the start, so that we can reduce the amount of minimum time that a
game has to last to be serious.

2. we could draw maps in which near your starting swarm is an island
with losts of fruit and forbid swimming/pools for the first 15 minutes.
You'd have to survive that time before you can use them.
This is especially nice in asymmetric situations, where one team starts
strong and the other will be weak first, but with potential.

Think of games with 3 teams where weak team 1 has to be protected by
mid-weak team 2 or team 2 would themself face destruction in the next
phase.  In the third phase team 2 would be strong but team 1 would be
strongest so that team 2 should know exactly how much it should help
team 1 in the first phase ...

There is much potential in the concept of time.

Kai Antweiler <snth>
Group administrator
Mon 03 Apr 2006 08:28:50 AM UTC, comment #1: 

I think this would be a good idea. The obvious choice for what decides who wins would simply be the prestige score.

Kevin Clement <donkyhotay>
Group Member
Sun 02 Apr 2006 04:10:36 PM UTC, original submission:  

Since I can't spend hours and hours playing glob2, I would like a
timer that could be set before the game.  It should be visible during
the game.  When it's down to zero.  The player who's done best wins.
What this "best" means I don't know by now.
But I like the idea of winning by outperforming the opponent better
than exterminating it.  Attacks might be more strategic - to put the
opponent behind.  (Think lemmings!)

The important part would be that I can control the time I will spend.
And therefore play more often.

Kai Antweiler <snth>
Group administrator


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