bugCERTI - Bugs: bug #19869, registerObjectInstanceWithRegion...


bug #19869: registerObjectInstanceWithRegion BUG

Submitter:  moosefly <moosefly>
Submitted:  Sun 13 May 2007 02:35:08 PM UTC
Category:  CERTI Severity:  * 3 - Normal
Item Group:  Software error Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  erk
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  * 3.2.3
Reproducibility:  Every Time Fixed Release:  * Unknown
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Tue 04 Sep 2007 08:32:14 AM UTC, comment #1: 

I've just dive into the code for a while
and I agree this seems to be a bug.
We should certainly loop over "req->regions".

The fact is in the NetworkMessage class there is both:

req->region  (coming from NetworkMessage::region)
req->regions (coming from BasicMessage::regions)

I do not know this part of CERTI [yet :)]
so I need to understand the role of




in order to find a precise answer and fix for this.

However this work is currently not very high in
my CERTI work stack.
Is this 'blocking' for your CERTI usage?

Do you you have a test case which exhibit a wrong behavior?

Did you try a patch on your side?

Eric NOULARD <erk>
Group administrator
Sun 13 May 2007 02:35:08 PM UTC, original submission:  

ObjectClassHandle object_class,
const char *tag,
AttributeHandle attrs[],
Region *regions[],
ULong nb)

We can see that the "regions" parameter include multi regions, and certi use "build_region_handles" function to transform it to the RegionHandle array. But the RTIG did not process the RegionHandle array correctly:

In RTIG_processing.cc

// ----------------------------------------
// processRegisterObjectWithRegion
RTIG::processRegisterObjectWithRegion(Socket *link, NetworkMessage *req)
    NetworkMessage rep ;
    rep.object = federations.registerObjectWithRegion(req->federation,


As shown, RTIG only get the "region" but not the "regions".In my opinion, it's a bug.

moosefly <moosefly>


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