bugGlobulation 2 - Bugs: bug #25268, the "repeat n times"...


bug #25268: the "repeat n times" feature in the map editor is broken/make it available in pre game screen

Submitter:  Leo Wandersleb <giszmo>
Submitted:  Wed 07 Jan 2009 08:15:28 PM UTC
Severity:  1 - Wish Status:  Confirmed
Assigned to:  giszmo Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  0.9.4 (Beta 4) Operating System:  None
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Wed 07 Jan 2009 08:15:28 PM UTC, original submission:  

the feature to get symmetric maps is broken in several aspects and should be moved to within the editing process or even to the pre game screen.

now this feature does not guarantee a symmetric distribution of resources and starting positions. there should be a way to use this feature within the editing process so you can start editing a 64x64 map and in the end make it a 128x64 map by duplication.

also it should be possible to play the small maps in bigger versions from within the pre game screen. imagine the 128x128 map four squares being just "one square" (64x64). you could easily make this into anything (power of 2) from a 2 island version (128x64 to a 64 island version. 16 island version for 16 players would then be 256x256 or else 128x512.

Leo Wandersleb <giszmo>
Group Member


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