bugCERTI - Bugs: bug #44845, Invalid conversions of error msg...


bug #44845: Invalid conversions of error msg to wstring

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Wed 15 Apr 2015 10:39:12 AM UTC
Category:  CERTI Severity:  * 3 - Normal
Item Group:  Software error Status:  Fixed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  bussenot
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  * 3.4.3
Reproducibility:  None Fixed Release:  3.5.0
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Wed 06 May 2015 02:39:18 PM UTC, comment #1: 

See commit

Bussenot Jean-Loup <bussenot>
Group administrator
Wed 15 Apr 2015 10:39:12 AM UTC, original submission:  

While generating exceptions, libRTIieee1516-2010RTIambassadorImplementation.cpp (and libRTIieee1516-2010RTIambassadorImplementation.cpp) create error messages as follows:

catch (NetworkError &e) {
    std::stringstream msg;
    msg << "NetworkError in tick() while receiving response: " << e._reason;
    std::wstring message(msg.str().begin(), msg.str().end());
    throw rti1516::RTIinternalError(message);

While converting 'msg' to 'message' CERTI thus calls msg.str() twice, which yields different string objects. The begin() and end() iterator are then incompatible and MSVC 2012 notifies me of this error.

The solution is simple: Call msg.str() once, and use begin() and end() on the same string object.



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    Follow 4 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2015-05-07 bussenot StatusIn Progress Fixed
    2015-05-06 bussenot StatusNone In Progress
        Assigned toNone bussenot
        Fixed ReleaseUnknown 3.5.0

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