buglwIP - A Lightweight TCP/IP stack - Bugs: bug #56014, The ICMPv6 Parameter Problem...


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bug #56014: The ICMPv6 Parameter Problem doesn't take the IPv6 Header of the offending packet

Submitter:  Gao Qingshui <kevingao>
Submitted:  Thu 28 Mar 2019 04:30:01 AM UTC
Category:  IPv6 Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  Faulty Behaviour Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Planned Release:  None
lwIP version:  git head

Thu 28 Mar 2019 04:30:01 AM UTC, original submission:  

The ICMPv6 Parameter Problem doesn't take the IPv6 Header of the offending packet as the p->payload not point to the IP header of the orignal packet.so before calling icmp6_send_response to sending PP back to the originator, lwip must move the p->payload pointer back to ip header.
There was two ways to fix this issue:
1) move the p->payload pointer back to ip header in function icmp6_param_problem
2) do this action before calling icmp6_param_problem
The 1st way is simple, but break the code style if icmpv6 related function, as all the err message function(icmp6_dest_unreach,icmp6_packet_too_big,icmp6_time_exceeded,icmp6_param_problem) were in the same style and the p->payload always point to ip header.
The 2nd way is a little complex, we should modify several places, but it would keep the code style and make the code more readable.
The attached patch file was my modification using the 2nd way, pls review.

Gao Qingshui <kevingao>


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    Follows 1 latest change.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2019-03-28 kevingao Attached File- Added icmpv6-parameter-problem-not-take-the-IP-header-of-the-offending-packet.patch, #46652

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