bugAVR C Runtime Library - Bugs: bug #58005, Support for new ATtiny/ATmega...


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bug #58005: Support for new ATtiny/ATmega devices

Submitter:  Marcus Holland-Moritz <mhx>
Submitted:  Tue 17 Mar 2020 03:14:31 PM UTC
Category:  Feature Request Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  5 - Normal Item Group:  None
Status:  None Assigned to:  None
Percent Complete:  0% Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  Any Fixed Release:  None

Thu 14 May 2020 05:04:46 AM UTC, comment #1: 
Yves Delley <burnpanck>
Tue 17 Mar 2020 03:14:31 PM UTC, original submission:  

The devices I'd like to see supported are (at least):

- ATtiny102/104
- ATtiny20x/40x/80x/160x
- ATtiny21x/41x/81x/161x/321x
- ATmega320x/480x

I've had a look at both the repository and the bugtracker and
couldn't see any work-in-progress to add support for this set
of new devices. If there is some effort I missed, I'd be very
grateful for a link.

I'm aware that Microchip/Atmel offer support for these devices
through their download packs. However, I'd much prefer support
to be in avr-libc itself, as using these packs is a major pain
(unless, I reckon, you're using Atmel Studio, which I don't).

It seems to me that Atmel have already provided code to the
avr-libc project in the past, so I'd hope that this would be
no different in case of these devices. I'm probably just being
impatient here given that the header files in the download
packs are dating from this year. :-)

I'd be more than happy to help if there's anything I can do.


Marcus Holland-Moritz <mhx>


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