bugGTKtalog - Bugs: bug #8127, filename cause gtktalog to freeze


bug #8127: filename cause gtktalog to freeze

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Thu 11 Mar 2004 10:26:38 PM UTC
Category:  Scan Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Originator Email:  -email is unavailable- Open/Closed:  Open
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Thu 11 Mar 2004 10:26:38 PM UTC, original submission:  

I was trying to scan a cd containing a 'wget -r' of a website. And the scan progress bar froze at a certain time.
it seems that gtktalog has trouble with certain filenames. Here is the output of the lsof of that moment.
debianheremans:/home/david# lsof |grep cdrom
gtktalog  5009    david    9r   DIR       11,0     4096    191020 /cdrom/www.airwolf.org/cgi-bin
gtktalog  5009    david   10r   REG       11,0     2731    520396 /cdrom/www.airwolf.org/cgi-bin/auction.cgi_1&1&c.htm
gtktalog  5010    david    9r   DIR       11,0     4096    191020 /cdrom/www.airwolf.org/cgi-bin
gtktalog  5010    david   10r   REG       11,0     2731    520396 /cdrom/www.airwolf.org/cgi-bin/auction.cgi_1&1&c.htm
gtktalog  5011    david    9r   DIR       11,0     4096    191020 /cdrom/www.airwolf.org/cgi-bin
gtktalog  5011    david   10r   REG       11,0     2731    520396 /cdrom/www.airwolf.org/cgi-bin/auction.cgi_1&1&c.htm

I already excluded the 'text/html' from parsing but it didn't help. The program still freezes when it reaches these files.


David Heremans'



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