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Using debuggers from day 1
     posted by coriordan, Sat 19 Dec 2009 09:22:17 PM UTC

It hit me that I should really introduce debuggers right from the start.  Newbie programmers always debug their code with printf, and that's a habit that takes years to shake.

I'll do some writing about this and check it in.  I'm still not back seriously working on this project, but it's always in the back of my mind.

I'm not back, but I wish I was
     posted by coriordan, Fri 04 Sep 2009 03:17:56 AM UTC

I haven't found time to work on this project, but in the long term, it's still a project I hope to finish.

So this "news" item is just to say: a year of silence doesn't mean I've given up :-)

My current focus is the wiki for campaigns against software patents.

July 2008: I'm back again, I think
     posted by coriordan, Thu 17 Jul 2008 11:39:53 PM UTC

Nothing has changed in my life to give me more spare time, but I've suddenly got an interest in this again.

I've decided to use TexInfo, so learning_gnu_c.texinfo is the file I'm doing development in.

I'm back. (a little)
     posted by coriordan, Tue 02 Dec 2003 10:04:53 PM UTC

I've fixed a few bugs, including the ones reported by the savannah bug reporting system (thanks Cédric Barboiron).  I've also made some very small changes.
I still don't have much spare time, but I'm getting used to working on a lot of projects at once ;-)
Over the next month I'll continue to do occassional work on the book, and in January 2004 I hope to have some regular time for it.

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