patchAVR C Runtime Library - Patches: patch #6805, Numeric interrupt vectors


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patch #6805: Numeric interrupt vectors

Submitter:  Ron Kreymborg <ronkrem>
Submitted:  Sun 12 Apr 2009 05:26:05 AM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  aesok Open/Closed:  Open

Mon 13 Apr 2009 01:16:53 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Good idea - a more complete implementation that mine (which was based on Marek's original). I assume it will use the number for the vector and not the "handler_name" (the C++ requirement).

Just curious - what is an example of (2)?


Ron Kreymborg <ronkrem>
Sun 12 Apr 2009 02:10:51 PM UTC, comment #1: 

The patch for the GCC is not complete.
1. No numeric argument to the 'interrupt' attribute is implemented.
2. Not possible use one interrupt handler for some interrupt vectors.

I propose to implement the interface for interrupt handler functions as:

_attribute_ ((vectors(N1[, N2[, ...]]), [signal, interrupt, nmi, naked]))
void handler_mame (void);

The 'vectors' attribute specify interrupt vector numbers for handler function.

The 'signal', 'interrupt', 'nmi' and 'naked' attributes specify type of handler function. Need use only one. The default attribute is  'signal'.


Anatoly Sokolov <aesok>
Group administrator
Sun 12 Apr 2009 05:26:05 AM UTC, original submission:  

This patch allows a C++ interrupt handler name to be represented by a number, and while the name will be mangled as usual, the number survives for later linking. The patch provides for an optional numeric argument to the signal function.

An interrupt function prototype using this system for the same USART0 receiver interrupt looks like:

void IntName(void) _attribute_ ((signal(18), __INTR_ATTRS));

Ron Kreymborg <ronkrem>


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file #17905: added by ronkrem (57KiB - application/x-zip-compressed - Patches + doco + simple test)


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    2009-04-12 ronkrem Attached File- Added, #17905
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