Goatee - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
Goatee is a Go library and game editor, written in Haskell. It provides a GUI for recording, studying, and editing game records. Underneath this is a portable library for manipulating SGF files to build UIs and tools. Goatee aims to be full-featured by supporting all of the SGF spec and allowing for full and easy customization of the game records you create.
Goatee is on Hackage:
Registration Date: Sun 16 Mar 2014 07:59:46 PM UTC
License: GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta
posted by khumba, Mon 25 Jan 2021 06:24:27 AM UTC
Goatee has been updated to work with ghc-8.10, and now requires at least base-4.12 (ghc-8.6). Changes were required with respect to the MonadFail Proposal: error handling in the Go monad is now improved, and many conditions that called 'error' before can now be handled either with explicit error code return types, or with MonadError.
- Bryan
posted by khumba, Thu 28 Jul 2016 03:58:01 AM UTC
This is a small version bump to support template-haskell-2.11.
- Bryan
posted by khumba, Fri 10 Jun 2016 11:08:25 PM UTC
Better late than never -- last Thursday I pushed a new version of goatee-gtk with updated version bounds supporting gtk2hs 0.14 and HUnit 1.3.
- Bryan
posted by khumba, Tue 08 Sep 2015 05:21:57 PM UTC
Goatee 0.3.1 is out. This release is simply updates to keep Goatee up-to-date with its dependencies. Now supported are gtk2hs 0.13 and GHC 7.10. No new features, although I've been working on something related that hopefully I'll be able to announce soon.
- Bryan
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