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Group Description Type
[jhcfonts] JHCfonts Type1/TTF/OTF fonts will be provided traced from (customized) metafont fonts, using metafont's power to provide extended font families. non-GNU software and documentation
[jia] Jia - Servlets in JavaScript Jia is an servlet which will work with most Servlet Containers (Tomcat, PaperClips, JServe, Jetty, etc.) which allows a programmer to write servlets (usually written in Java) in JavaScript. It also includes advanced capabilities such as XSLT. non-GNU software and documentation
[jinn] JiNN is Not Nuke This project has moved. Please surf to for more information. non-GNU software and documentation
[jlp] JLP non-GNU software and documentation
[jmud] JMud Server non-GNU software and documentation
[jnotebook] JNoteBook JNoteBook allows to store simple notes with one or more tags. First add Tag. Then add note. First line of the note is taken as title. non-GNU software and documentation
[joefw] joes firewall joes firewall (joefw) is a simple and easy framework of files to manage a firewall-policy with Linux iptables. non-GNU software and documentation
[testjs2project] John Schmidt2 non-GNU software and documentation
[jdiff] Jojo's Binary Diff non-GNU software and documentation
[journal] Journal: The Editor Journal is a text editor written in Java. It uses GTK over the SWT library.It supports multiple languages and can handle plugins. non-GNU software and documentation
[jpattern] JPattern non-GNU software and documentation
[jpkg] jpkg source package manager JPKG is intended to manage software installed on a machine, combining advantages of apt, dpkg and BSD ports... JPKG will use XML "profiles", a little bit like the Automated Linux From Scratch ones. non-GNU software and documentation
[jrisk] jRisk A java (GCJ/Classpath compatible) console game, inspired by the famous strategy game Risk. non-GNU software and documentation
[ukrnl] JS Microkernel Synaptic JS Microkernel (ukrnl.js) non-GNU software and documentation
[json-type] Json-Type: JSON Push Parsing and Type Checking Json-Type is a fully-compliant RFC 8259 and ECMA 404 push parser -- validating UTF8 as per the Unicode Standard 8.0.0 -- and a very efficient on-the-fly type checker of JSON text. non-GNU software and documentation
[jugtail] Jugtail A Gopher search tool for POSIX systems non-GNU software and documentation
[jpt] Junoplay Table A file-backed sparse table with a C API. non-GNU software and documentation
[intro-book] Just Do Gnu A book directed at a beginner level user of the GNU operating system and of free software. The book will be designed to help users overcome the learning curve associated with converting to a new computer operating system and software. non-GNU software and documentation
[jwhois] jwhois Command line interface utility for WHOIS. Official GNU software
[k-mib] K-MiB The Knoppix-MiB LiveCD is a "Privacy Edition" LiveCD derived of Knoppix. The aim of this project is to provide debian packages, scripts and documentations to permit the "MiBification" of a debootstrapped debian. non-GNU software and documentation
[kamap2] ka-Map! 2 non-GNU software and documentation
[kacq] kacq kacq performs data acquisition on computers running a GNU/Linux operating system. non-GNU software and documentation
[kafeine] kafeine Kafeine is a PHP5 application development framework based on a PostgreSQL relationnal model Kafeine est un framework de développement d'applications en PHP5 s'appuyant sur un modèle relationnel sous PostgreSQL. non-GNU software and documentation
[kaiser] Kaiser A small, fast, kernel. non-GNU software and documentation
[kiwa] Kakadu Is Web Automat This project allows you to visually develop web applications. The main goal of this project is to code once (if you have to) components and re-use them forever. non-GNU software and documentation

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