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Group Description Type
[navidoc] Navidoc - linking documentations via imagemaps Navidoc is a software engineering documentation tool, which turns lexically defined UML diagrams embedded in reST documents into multidirectionally hyperlinked menus connecting the design and embedded source code documentation. non-GNU software and documentation
[nb-concrete] NB More Concrete A Minetest/Luanti modification (mod) that adds more concrete to NodeCore non-GNU software and documentation
[ncrok] nCroK Ncurses music player non-GNU software and documentation
[ncurses] ncurses Official GNU software
[nel] NeL NeL is a software platform for creating and running massively multi-user entertainment in a 3D environment over the Internet working on Windows and GNU/Linux. The NeL library is further divided into specific modules: network, 3d and misc. non-GNU software and documentation
[neolinuxconf] neo-LinuxConf We propose to develop a specification for syntax and semantic description files (SSDFs) in order to allow the user configure a GNU system using their prefered intuitive UI . non-GNU software and documentation
[netmanager] Net Manager non-GNU software and documentation
[netftpserver] Net::FTPServer non-GNU software and documentation
[netblaster] Netblaster Netblaster is a network-enabled bomberman/masterblaster clone. It features a server console application and a SDL-based client. non-GNU software and documentation
[netblocks] NetBlocks, yet another strange game NetBlocks is a game that takes ideas from NetWalk, Tetris and SameGame. The game is written in python and uses the pygame librairies. The goal of the game is to avoid losing to early and like Tetris, there is no way to win. non-GNU software and documentation
[netcdf-tools] NetCDF tools non-GNU software and documentation
[netclip] Netclip Advanced LAN clipboard non-GNU software and documentation
[nhproxy] NetHack Proxy NetHack Proxy provides proxy support for NetHack and its variants and their windowing interfaces. non-GNU software and documentation
[nethack-el] nethack-el Emacs major mode for playing nethack. Includes patch to nethack-3.4.1 sources. non-GNU software and documentation
[netkitty] NetKitty Stripped version of Netcat supporting several simultaneous connections and bluetooth. Netkitty is coded in C using only system calls and can be compiled to a less than 10K static binary using dietlibc. non-GNU software and documentation
[netlog] NETLog NETLog is just another logging library for .NET written in C# with the DotGNU framework. non-GNU software and documentation
[netmon] netmon non-GNU software and documentation
[netpanzer] netPanzer netPanzer is a massive multiplayer realtime strategy game originally developed by Pyrosoft Inc. ( non-GNU software and documentation
[netprofile] Netprofile Netprofile is a project aimed at creating software to help people adapt to different networking environments. non-GNU software and documentation
[nric] NetRexx Improved Compiler A NetRexx to Java bytecode compiler. non-GNU software and documentation
[islack] NetSecL Package Management System This is the package management system for NetSecL Linux ( that will be present in future releases. non-GNU software and documentation
[netshard] NetSharD - Networked Sharing System NetSharD (netshard) is a completely Free collaboration system. non-GNU software and documentation
[netsukuku] netsukuku A mesh network system designed to automatically handle a massive number of nodes with minimal computational resources non-GNU software and documentation
[netswitch] NetSwitch NetSwitch permits changing network settings (such as ip, net mask, broadcast, etc.) in a graphic manner under GNU/Linux operating system with a desktop environment such as Gnome, KDE, XFCE. non-GNU software and documentation
[nepim] Network Pipemeter nepim is a network pipemeter, a tool for measuring available bandwidth between hosts, or to generate network load for testing purposes. non-GNU software and documentation

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