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sr #104483: Reconsider supplemental-report columns

Submitter:  Greg Chicares <chicares>
Submitted:  Wed 20 Jul 2005 12:12:47 PM UTC
Category:  Output Status:  None
Priority:  7 - High Severity:  4 - Important
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open

Fri 02 Jan 2009 03:51:20 PM UTC, comment #4: 

Add a Policy Fee column. By having this data readily available
in the Calculation Summary, a user will save time from having
to copy the full illustration data (Ctrl-D) in order to get the

In addition, a number of users would prefer the Calculation
Summary and Supplemental Report columns in an alphabetical

Kimberly Murphy <kmmurphy>
Group Member
Mon 08 Dec 2008 04:45:31 PM UTC, comment #3: 

This item
(marked as a duplicate and therefore closed) suggests adding
a cash-flow column. The following paragraph from that closed
item is copied here lest it be lost:

This column and many others that might be useful are simply
linear combinations of other columns, with scalar coefficients
of 1 and -1. We need a general facility to let users define such
columns. Spending time on special cases distracts us from that
strategic goal: it'd be throwaway work. COLI cash-flow reports
tend to be highly customized, and would need to be created
externally (e.g., in a spreadsheet) anyway until we achieve that
strategic goal.

Greg Chicares <chicares>
Group administrator
Mon 08 Dec 2008 02:07:43 PM UTC, comment #2: 

This item
(marked as a duplicate, and therefore closed) suggests
adding columns for honeymoon rate.

More recently, we've received a request to add a column
for pay-as-you-go "minimum" premium, which some agents
find useful even with a single payor who pays more than
that minimum.

Greg Chicares <chicares>
Group administrator
Thu 25 Aug 2005 12:52:53 AM UTC, comment #1: 

The 'InforceLives' column is really a survivorship function:
original number of lives times the actuarial function 'tpx'
with subscript 't' and 'x'. It does not reflect lapses. This
column should be given a more correct name, or perhaps replaced
by a column that does reflect lapses.

Greg Chicares <chicares>
Group administrator
Wed 20 Jul 2005 12:12:47 PM UTC, original submission:  

The palette of columns offered for supplemental reports is not
yet ideal. Some columns aren't valid. All could be named better.
Other columns would no doubt be useful. Users ought to be able
to store column selections and reload them by name. More than
one supplemental report per illustration should be allowed.

New columns might be functions of existing columns, e.g., simple
arithmetic (C0 + C1 - C2), or the IRR of column C0 versus C1. It
is important to consider whether such columns should be calculated:

 - always, in C++; but that would require more RAM for every
   cell,and IRRs in particular are expensive to calculate;

 - on demand, in C++, which is probably best, but requires
   careful design; or

 - on demand, in xsl stylesheets; but that would probably be
   slower than C++ and less accurate (because operand columns
   are rounded before xsl sees them), and it's certainly wrong
   to calculate IRRs in stylesheets.

A GUI to design such additional columns would be ideal, but
far more ambitious than a menu of predefined columns.

Greg Chicares <chicares>
Group administrator


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