taskNAUSEA - Tasks: task #4858, Make a decent web page


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task #4858: Make a decent web page

Submitter:  Luca Saiu <positrone>
Submitted:  Sat 22 Oct 2005 12:56:05 PM UTC
Should Start On:  Fri 21 Oct 2005 10:00:00 PM UTC Should be Finished on:  Fri 21 Oct 2005 10:00:00 PM UTC
Category:  Build System and Packaging Priority:  7 - High
Status:  None Assigned to:  None
Percent Complete:  0% Open/Closed:  Open
Difficulty:  Trivial

Sat 22 Oct 2005 12:56:05 PM UTC, original submission:  

It should contain:

  • copyright and license notices!
  • a short description, such as the one at the project page on Savannah
  • a snapshot of the manual
  • links: where to download, mailing list address
  • screenshots (in a separate page)

Luca Saiu <positrone>
Group administrator


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