AKFQuiz - News: New release: AKFQuiz 4.4.0
AKFQuiz 4.4.0
Item posted by Andreas K. Förster <akf> on Thu 02 Nov 2006 07:59:40 AM UTC.
AKFQuiz 4.4.0 is out now.
The build process has changed a lot. If you want to compile it yourself, you should definitely read the file INSTALL again. The build process is now more "standard" and you have more options. You do not need the package SDL4Freepascal anymore. Therefor you can use GNU-Pascal to compile grquiz with full SDL support. So GNU Pascal is again as well supported as Free Pascal is.
The program cgiquiz has a lot of new features. It is easier to set up, since it doesn't need the additional files anymore - the graphic files are included in the binary. The style-sheets q-brown, q-blue, q-school are also included, but it is still possible to use your own style-sheets if you want.
The program cgiquiz has also a new exam-mode, which should be usable for real exams in schools. The "quiz-files" are hidden away in a separate directory, which cannot be accessed through the web-server. Pupils have to enter their name on the questionnaire and the result is saved to disk on the server. A teacher then can see the results with a password protected interface - THIS FEATURE IS STILL EXPERIMENTAL - please check, whether you can use it, but check it carefully!
The program cgiquiz is no longer available for the Windows platform, since I don't know enough about security issues under Windows.
There are many other small changes...
You might also notice, that I have dropped some of the packages. They were too seldom used. If you are really missing something, feel free to ask for it.
The new official homepage for AKFQuiz is now
Thanks to the Free Software Foundation there are much more services available now. Among those are mailing-lists. Please join the mailing-Lists, if you want to stay informed (AKFQuiz-announce) or if you want to talk to other AKFQuiz-users.
About AKFQuiz:
The package AKFQuiz lets you easily make your own quiz games, learning exercises or psychotests. These can be used with grquiz in a graphical environment, with diaquiz in a GUI environment or with crtquiz on the text-console. There is also a line oriented variant, linequiz, which can be used as a backend.
A CGI-variant, akfquiz.cgi, can be installed on a Web server to offer exercises via Internet or a local network. There is also an exam-mode in cgiquiz to use it for serious exams.
Or you can use mkquiz, which generates an HTML-file for to use with JavaScript. Those can then be published using any deliberate web-space provider.
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