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Item ID Summary Status Assigned to Submitted
#106720 Files with size at least 2GB can not be read Done 2009-04-12
#107065 warnings issued on fatal errors Done 2009-10-17
#107096 preCommand runs after exceptDirs matches. Done 2009-10-31
#107107 new functionality request: import a backup from one backupDir into another Ready For Test 2009-11-05
#107126 Are lateLinks and block files not compatible? Done 2009-11-16
#107130 Proper strategies for dealing with md5 sum mismatches? Done 2009-11-17
#107173 Can't read line in .md5CheckSums file Done 2009-12-16
#107176 Couldn't open .storebackupLinks Done 2009-12-17
#107231 Recovering from an error Done 2010-01-22
#107233 uninitialized value error in Done 2010-01-23
#107261 Detect Bit-rot? Done 2010-02-08
#107272 Best way to recover from corrupted linkFile? Done 2010-02-15
#107327 Constantly corrupted backups. Ubuntu? Areca? Something else? Done 2010-03-30
#107329 storeBackupUpdateBackup complains it cannot access an apparently bogus item. Done 2010-04-04
#107340 Fix for uninitialized variable on line 216 of storeBackupCheckBackup. Done 2010-04-12
#107375 storeBackup stalling Done 2010-05-13
#107391 Error line 536 Done 2010-05-30
#107460 storeBackup on Windows? Done 2010-08-17
#107477 custom compression for blocked files seems to be ignored Done 2010-09-15
#107480 LZMA compression Done 2010-09-20
#107563 What if two *different* files had the *same* MD5 hash? Done 2010-12-30
#107574 cannot exec Done 2011-01-12
#107575 Use of "goto" to jump into a construct is deprecated at /usr/bin/ line 6748. Done 2011-01-16
#107586 Blocked Files MD5sums will not be saved if original file was changed during backup Done 2011-02-03
#107595 ERROR: exec: 129: stop: not found/exec: 129: start: not found Need Info 2011-02-14
#107616 System Freezes during backup Done 2011-03-06
#107626 using postcommand to remount read only makes backup fail Done 2011-03-16
#107672 recover of block devices don't work with Done 2011-04-18
#107836 storeBackup creates very large log files Done 2011-10-10
#107887 problems with recovering blocked file and errors reported by StoreBackupCheckBackup Done 2011-11-23
#108108 Not finished backups Done 2012-08-14
#108147 Error handling filenames conatining a "\n" Need Info 2012-09-30
#108170 1:1 Backup Done 2012-10-29
#108187 is compression done locally or remotely? Done 2012-11-26
#108204 missing files in previous backup not detected in new backup Done 2012-12-11
#108220 Use of uninitialized value $size Done 2013-01-03
#108231 storeBackup does not run through after being called by anacron 2013-01-14
#108259 Suggestion and patch to suppress "no backups" warning Done 2013-02-21
#108282 Error when replicating to samba Done 2013-04-14
#108286 Exclude particular backups from being deleted Done 2013-04-17
#108315 hard links of empty files Done 2013-06-07
#108316 lock file / multiple instances Done 2013-06-08
#108317 deduplication of buckupdir (somehow theoretical) Done 2013-06-08
#108318 keeping max backups / maximum use of target space Done 2013-06-08
#108324 odd output on suse Done 2013-06-13
#108325 and no free space on target Done 2013-06-18
#108331 include renamed backup as backup directory for hard linking Done 2013-06-27
#108332 Documentation (pdf) Done 2013-06-27
#108338 Combine two master backups into one Done 2013-07-11
#108371 How to tell what version of Done 2013-08-28

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