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Item ID up Summary Status Assigned to Submitted
#110678 Syntax error in version 3.5.2 2022-06-27
#110611 checkDevicesBS is ignore and write allway 65536 in Debian 11 2022-02-15
#110577 maxHardLinks not available through config file 2021-12-09
#110508 Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"USER"} 2021-06-11
#110507 Thanks 2021-06-09
#110328 storebackup fails because of special characters 2020-10-07
#109456 beendet sich nicht 2018-02-04
#109396 Source code respository; Cannot set hard links when original directory has perms 644 2017-10-09
#109366 run storeBackupUpdate on <backup dir> instead of <backup dir/series> 2017-08-11
#109342 storeBackupMount doesn't pass through error code 2017-06-26
#109341 Shared access to delta cache 2017-06-26
#109338 Command line parameters to precommand/postcommand 2017-06-23
#109248 Lock-File ignored? / deleted to early? 2017-02-05
#109214 Error: "unsupported file type " 2017-01-06
#109206 Rename a series 2016-12-17
#109162 Backing up home but dot folders like .config .local are skipped 2016-10-08
#109123 Löschen von Dateien in den Backups 2016-08-23
#109119 typos 2016-08-18
#109117 allways restores the entire path 2016-08-14
#109116 MergeIsolated doesnt merge when master-pool is empty 2016-08-13
#109078 Link to most recent backup in replicated backup copy 2016-06-23
#109071 StoreBackup on Mac OS 10.11 - some md5sums not stored 2016-06-19
#109036 How to exclude hidden files 2016-05-11
#109025 no gnucp: internal error: cannot save file tyes Sbcp 2016-05-01
#109023 collaborative development 2016-04-26
#108974 IsolatedMode with multiple series and bigger history 2016-02-20
#108967 Encrypted Home Directory (ecryptfs) 2016-02-07
#108966 cannot create symlink 2016-02-06
#108965 Integrity of database system tablespace when using blocked files 2016-02-06
#108963 What could be the cause for little file changes with many MD5 recalculations? 2016-02-04
#108955 Confusion about archive flag 2016-01-16
#108947 move backupdir to new filesystem 2016-01-08
#108900 storeBackup auf Synology-NAS: pod2text nicht verfügbar 2015-10-07
#108865 Dateivergleich: Vergleich von size statt ctime möglich (und sinnvoll)? Idee ist, dass Backpus von ntfs schneller laufen 2015-08-13
#108861 Set up backup server that jails users in their respective directories, yet links and gives full recovery access? 2015-08-04
#108859 Additional screen output 2015-08-01
#108789 storeBackupRecover fails with ERROR 2015-04-07
#108785 import/reuse (older only rsynced) copy as first backup version 2015-04-04
#108784 Does consider hardlinks? 2015-04-03
#108718 Feature request: data encryption 2015-01-07
#108717 Why isn't storeBackup more popular? 2015-01-07
#108716 Resuming interrupted backups 2015-01-07
#108668 file deleted during backup warning despite --suppressWarning=fileChange Done 2014-10-15
#108653 storeBackup Verschlüsselung Done 2014-09-18
#108652 Inconsistency not repaired by --autorepair 2014-09-14
#108632 Backup data integrity check. 2014-08-17
#108613 Delete from Backup 2014-07-11
#108601 Devices not copied/restored with sshfs. 2014-06-17
#108591 Simple Replication 2014-06-03

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