bugsolang - Bugs: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
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Column heading links sort results (up or down), you can also sort by priority or reset sort.You can also deactivate multicolumn sort.

        14 matching items - Items 1 to 14        

Item ID Summary Status Assigned to Submitted
#26992 Don't display seconds under photos santanu 2009-07-09
#27005 Solang doesn't store settings like "Photos per Page" and Zoom debarshiray 2009-07-10
#27118 Delete photo 2009-07-27
#27139 Creah on debian testing Need Info santanu 2009-07-30
#27161 automatic rotating according to exif tags santanu 2009-08-03
#27439 configure in git does not search for libbabl 2009-09-13
#27444 Thumbnails dir is not good 2009-09-14
#27537 config files and db should live in ~/.config/solang 2009-09-27
#27538 raw file format is not (fully) supported debarshiray 2009-09-27
#27589 Crash on Ubuntu 9.10 Development Branch 2009-10-04
#27592 Solang imports photos from hidden directories 2009-10-04
#27992 Support for export to more web services 2009-11-10
#28249 No he.po in Solang 2009-12-10
#28253 Toolbar doesn't honor GNOME settings 2009-12-11

        14 matching items - Items 1 to 14        

Open Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
Closed Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 

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