newsReTux - News: ReTux 0.6.1 Released

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ReTux 0.6.1 Released

Item posted by Layla Marchant <onpon4> on Sat 28 May 2016 03:22:58 PM UTC.

Version 0.6.1 of ReTux has been released. It can be found on the downloads page. This is a bugfix release which makes it possible to run the game without Tkinter installed, something which version 0.6 was supposed to be able to do, but wasn't due to a missed case. It should not affect Windows or Mac users, since Tkinter is a part of the Python standard library and distributed with the Python project's distribution of Python.

I have decided to retire the demo version of ReTux; the downloads page no longer links to these files, and they have been deleted. The demo simply has not attracted any appreciable attention to ReTux in the past week, so I'm not convinced that it's worth it. However, I still want people to be able to participate in the contest without having to buy a copy of ReTux, so I have added that anyone who enters this contest can get a free (gratis) copy of ReTux. All you need to do is announce your participation and send me an email requesting a free copy.


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