bugLordsAWar! - Bugs: bug #32489, Promote LordsAWar


bug #32489: Promote LordsAWar

Submitter:  Martin Thoma <moose>
Submitted:  Tue 15 Feb 2011 08:36:20 AM UTC
Category:  website Severity:  1 - Wish
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Sat 13 Feb 2021 05:12:08 PM UTC, comment #11: 

A user suggested advertising the windows version, as there are a lot of users out there who just don't know about us.

And what's worse it's hard to search for.

Ben Asselstine <benasselstine>
Group administrator
Tue 19 Apr 2011 11:20:17 AM UTC, comment #10: 

I don't know when lordsawar 0.2.0 will move from testing to stable.  Maybe they're waiting for man pages?  The debian folks have created a great many man pages in the past -- they seem to care about man pages more than many developers.  Generating a man page with help2man should work fine for the programs listed.  A more interesting task would be to make actual manuals for those programs.

There is also the fedora LordsAWar! bugs page:

The binutils-gold bug is on lordsawar 0.1.6 which is too old to worry about.  So the answer is to get them to try and duplicate it with the latest version.

Hopefully we can get the number of installs up past 6000. :-)

Ben Asselstine <benasselstine>
Group administrator
Tue 19 Apr 2011 04:54:41 AM UTC, comment #9: 

[2011-04-09] lordsawar 0.2.0-1 MIGRATED to testing (Britney)
Source: http://packages.qa.debian.org/l/lordsawar.html

Do you know when it gets stable?
I've just found the .deb-package on cdn.debian.net.

By the way, at the moment LordsAWar is in ubuntu popcon at rank 247, 5821 people installed it, 80 use it regularly, 5706 have it installed but don't use it regularly, 31 have upgraded recently and 4 didn't give enough information.

For Debian Popcon, LordsAWar is at rank 188.

I also found these external bug pages:

Martin Thoma <moose>
Group Member
Wed 16 Mar 2011 07:19:27 PM UTC, comment #8: 

Thanks Martin!  This is the best release of lordsawar yet!

I've been communicating with Barry also.  He's not involved in Debian anymore.

I've posted a mail to the debian-games mailing list, asking them to repackage it.


After it's in Debian, the next thing to do is get it synced into Ubuntu.

Ben Asselstine <benasselstine>
Group administrator
Wed 16 Mar 2011 07:04:06 PM UTC, comment #7: 

Hi Ben,

thanks for your continuing efforts to improve LordsAWar!

I have sent an email to Barry deFreese. He had helped us the last time to create the .deb-package. I hope he will help us now again.

I also updated the ubuntuusers.de-article. At the moment lordsawar is compiling. When it's finished, I can take some screenshots and try to make some nice gameplay-clips for YouTube.

Martin Thoma <moose>
Group Member
Wed 16 Mar 2011 05:06:18 PM UTC, comment #6: 

I have sent the news of the 0.2.0 release to freshmeat, linuxgames, and the linux games tome.

Ben Asselstine <benasselstine>
Group administrator
Wed 09 Mar 2011 08:10:26 PM UTC, comment #5: 

Here's what I'm thinking of writing for the 0.2.0 release:
If there's anything I forgot, or if you want to change the wording, just say so.
LordsAWar version 0.2.0, a clone of the turn-based strategy game Warlords II, has been released with the following changes:

Revamped and made a lot of fixes to network play.
Added a "game-list server" so that game servers can advertise games on the internet.
Added a "game-host server" so that clients can start their game on another computer.
Added new graphics for the default tileset.

Fixed various gameplay bugs:
  Now no longer showing enemy vectoring when the game option "see enemy production" is turned on.
  Now no longer crashing when we try to load a good saved-game file, after previously trying to load a bad saved-game file.
  Heroes dying at a ruin now drop their bag of stuff.
  The search button was wrongly enabled on newly loaded games.
  Now locking access to other buttons while our stacks are moving.
  Fixed the error in turn handling when the game option "random turns" is enabled.
  Computer players now collect a reward when their heroes successfully search a ruin.
  When a hero arrives, the allies are now dropped elsewhere in the city when the hero's stack is full.

Ben Asselstine <benasselstine>
Group administrator
Mon 07 Mar 2011 05:49:43 PM UTC, comment #4: 

Let's release what's in SVN as soon as the translations are done.

Hopefully some more network playtesting will be done before 0.2.0 is released.... I have a feeling there are still some bugs hanging around in the network-play.

Ben Asselstine <benasselstine>
Group administrator
Wed 02 Mar 2011 07:57:49 PM UTC, comment #3: 

At the moment, I am writing an article for the most important german site for Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Baustelle/Spiele/LordsAWar

I'll ask the moderators to accept this Wiki-article as soon as version 0.2 is ready.

Martin Thoma <moose>
Group Member
Tue 15 Feb 2011 11:21:45 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Thanks for the fast answer.

This list is a todo-list for me. I just wanted to get some feedback and inform you what I plan to do the next time for LordsAWar_!_.

I have simply searched for "Linux Games" and looked at the first three pages. For most pages LordsAWar_!_ doesn't fit, but the ones I've listed could add the game. I don't know Karl Bartel, but I didn't want to have to search his name again, when I send him a mail.

I think most of this promoting-work should be done after version 2.0 is out. I guess most people would not look twice at the same game, if they had already tried to install it and failed the first time.

Martin Thoma <moose>
Group Member
Tue 15 Feb 2011 11:10:58 AM UTC, comment #1: 

0. It is Lordsawar! but it doesn't always look right having an exclamation point in a sentence.  If It can be italicized then keep the exclamation point.

1. Yes the License is GPL Version 3.

2. I prefer the term "Free Software" to "Open Source".

3. Networked mode is still very broken.

4. I update linuxgames.com with an update of the new version, and a blurb about what's new.

5. I update freshmeat.net with an update of the new version, and a blurb about what's new.

6. Why does the name Karl Bartel matter to you?

7. Reddit is another site, along the same lines as digg and stumbleupon.

8. Lordsawar is more popular than the other gnu+linux games listed on that wikipedia page.  I think it can be added now.

Are you volunteering to do all of this?

Ben Asselstine <benasselstine>
Group administrator
Tue 15 Feb 2011 08:36:20 AM UTC, original submission:  

As soon as LordsAWar! is available in a stable version with a good german translation and a deb-Package,
I will try to promote LordsAWar!

Should LordsAWar! be written with a ! or without? I don't mind if its with ! or without it, but it should be consistent.

This could be a short text for promoting LordsAWar!:
LordsAWar is a turn-based strategy game where up to 8 players strive for control of as many cities as possible. Produce new armies in cities to conquer nearby cities. Using the income from those cities, make more armies to take more cities. Send a hero to a temple to get a quest, or maybe search a nearby ruin instead. Play with others or against the computer.

Some basic facts:
Genre   : Strategy, Turn-based
Graphic : 2D
Code    : Open source
Game features: Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Online, LAN, AI
Game modes: Elimination
Game theme: Medieval
Payment : Free
Simmilar Games: Widelands, Battle for Wesnoth, FreeCol
License : GNU GPL?

I had the following ideas:

  1. Create new Screenshots and add them to the website
  2. Create "Posters":
    1. For other websites / Blogs to include: 500x375
    2. Game-Poster: Ratio 90x128 (Perhaps 720x1024)
  3. Create a YouTube video of Gameplay (at the moment you find only a bug report: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJpxPqrs9FI) and link to the Website
  4. Socialise:
    1. Submit Website and video to StumbleUpon
    2. Submit to Digg: http://digg.com/search?q=lordsawar
    3. Delicious seems to be used already: http://www.delicious.com/search?p=LordsAWar - does anybody know if this can be pushed?
  5. Update these entries:
    1. http://www.lgdb.org/game/lordsawar
    2. http://www.happypenguin.org/show?LordsAWar
  6. Add game to these sites:
    1. http://icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php
    2. http://www.linux-gamers.net/?page_id=10 (Just inform them of LordsAWar!, perhaps they will write an article)
    3. http://www.linux-games.com/ (After a Whois-Search:Domain belongs to Karl Bartel, karlb@gmx.net)
    4. http://games.linux.sk/about/
    5. http://www.linuxgamepublishing.com/contacts.php
    6. http://mygaming.co.za/forum/showthread.php/7967-13-cool-Linux-games

As soon as the game is played more often, we can ask if the game can be listed here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Linux_games

Martin Thoma <moose>
Group Member


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