bugpyFormex - Bugs: bug #36692, mesh smoothing


bug #36692: mesh smoothing

Submitter:  Sofie Van Cauter <svcauter>
Submitted:  Wed 20 Jun 2012 08:44:46 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Wed 20 Jun 2012 01:44:30 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Trisurface.smoothLowPass is currently not really redundant as it allows the user to include neighbourhood points in one iteration. This should be relatively easy to implement in Mesh.smooth though.

As for the smoothLaplaceHC algorithm, I would have to check how topologies other than tri3 react to the algorithm before adding it to mesh.smooth.

Anyway, we should indeed try to remove TriSurface.smooth by including all functionalities in Mesh.smooth. It's probably not so difficlut to achieve; I'll take a look at it soon.

Tomas Praet <tpraet>
Wed 20 Jun 2012 01:21:25 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I think we should see the lambda and mu as two steps of a single iteration. But it should be documented more precisely. If both steps were counted, then an odd number would result in ending with a lambda, while an even number would end with a mu, which may be confusing. So I suggest to keep the number of iterations as it is, but document clearly that k>0 includes an extra smoothing.

The second part: if smoothLaplaceHC works with any mesh, not just triangles, it should indeed be moved to mesh. But if it does not provide anything new/better over Mesh.smooth (resultwise or speedwise), we can maybe just leave it out. Coordinate with Tomas for checking this, and go ahead. And gtssmooth can be left out as well.

Benedict Verhegghe <bverheg>
Group administrator
Wed 20 Jun 2012 08:44:46 AM UTC, original submission:  

The mesh.smooth function currently runs twice the number of iterations than asked by the user. The 'lambda' as well as 'mu' step result in smoothing of the mesh vertices. I suggest we correct this.

The Trisurface.smoothLowPass seems redundant as the same operation can be performed using mesh.smooth. Maybe we can also add the smoothLaplaceHC to mesh.py and remove the trisurface smoothing functions?

Sofie Van Cauter <svcauter>
Group Member


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