mainSpamAssassin Milter Plugin - Support: sr #103062, Resolution for crash?


sr #103062: Resolution for crash?

Submitter:  Roberto Leibman <rleibman>
Submitted:  Wed 12 May 2004 06:20:30 PM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  4 - Important Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  dnelson
Open/Closed:  Open Operating System:  None
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Mon 17 May 2004 03:31:43 PM UTC, comment #6: 

Hello, please I do apologize for multiple postings!

It is also correct to get my contact: -email is unavailable-


Mon 17 May 2004 03:26:43 PM UTC, comment #5: 

Hello here,
I've noticed the same problem. I am running OpenBSD 3.5, spamass-milter-0.2.0+cvs and sendmail 8.12.11.
The spamass-milter shuts down on SIGSEGV under load of more or equal cuncurent threads than 3.
I can reproduce this problem on the will, sending more than above mentioned number of messages at once. I am attaching kernel trace.

Mon 17 May 2004 03:03:44 PM UTC, comment #4: 

Hello here,
I've noticed the same problem. I am running OpenBSD 3.5, spamass-milter-0.2.0+cvs and sendmail 8.12.11.
The spamass-milter shuts down on SIGSEGV under load of more or equal cuncurent threads than 3.
I can reproduce this problem on the will, sending more than above mentioned number of messages at once. I am attaching kernel trace.

Mon 17 May 2004 03:02:41 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Hello here,
I've noticed the same problem. I am running OpenBSD 3.5, spamass-milter-0.2.0+cvs and sendmail 8.12.11.
The spamass-milter shuts down on SIGSEGV under load of more or equal cuncurent threads than 3.
I can reproduce this problem on the will, sending more than above mentioned number of messages at once. I am attaching kernel trace.

Wed 12 May 2004 08:47:31 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Should I first uninstall the RPM and try with the CVS source?

Roberto Leibman <rleibman>
Wed 12 May 2004 08:38:17 PM UTC, comment #1: 

The only crashing bug I have been able to reproduce in 0.2.0 was fixed in CVS (on July 17), and the RPM looks like it was created after  that (Aug 16), so it probably contains the fix.  But the author of the RPM apparently hasn't updated his changelog since 2002, so I can't tell for sure.

If you can check out the current CVS code and get it to crash that would be helpful.

Dan Nelson <dnelson>
Group administrator
Wed 12 May 2004 06:20:30 PM UTC, original submission:  

I've read througout the bug reports and the support questions similar problems to the one I'm having, but I'm not clear wether there is a resolution or not.
My details:
     OS: Fedora Core 1
RPM packages for all, rpm -q gives:

About once a day (sometimes more often) the spamass-milter just dies, the service spamass-milter status command tells me that:
     spamass-milter dead but subsystem locked
It restarts fine, but it happens again.
I've changed the options in etc/init.d/spamassassin to be:
SPAMDOPTIONS="-d -c -a -m100 -H"

I also see the following in my logs:
Milter (spamassassin): error connecting to filter: Connection refused by /var/run/spamass.sock.

Is there an actual resolution for this problem? A patch?


Roberto Leibman <rleibman>


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Attached Files
file #3850:  milter-trace added by None (235KiB - application/octet-stream - Kernel trace)


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Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2004-05-17 None Attached File- Added milter-trace, #43
2004-05-12 dnelson Assigned toNone dnelson

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