task Una Introducción a Emacs Lisp en Español. - Tasks: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
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Column heading links sort results (up or down), you can also sort by priority or reset sort. You can also activate multicolumn sort. Currently, results are sorted by Item IDup.

28 matching items

Item ID up Summary Status Assigned to Should be Finished on
#13342 Traducción de Ejemplos de Código Done 2014-10-04
#13273 Portada Done adolflow 2014-07-28
#13268 Los títulos de capítulos solo deben ser mayúscula la primera letra Done davidam 2014-07-22
#13265 Crear Makefile Done 2014-07-21
#10730 Traducir '1. List processing' Done davidam 2010-10-30
#9986 Traducir 'E. GNU Free Documentation License' Done 2009-12-12
#9985 Copiar traducción de 'D. Free Software and Free Manuals' Ready For Test 2010-12-12
#9984 Traducir 'C. A Graph with Labelled Axes' Done 2011-12-11
#9983 Traducir 'B. Handling the Kill Ring' Done 2010-12-12
#9982 Traducir 'A. The the-the Function' Done 2011-12-11
#9981 Traducir '18. Conclusion' Done davidam 2011-12-11
#9980 Traducir '17. Debugging' Done davidam 2010-12-12
#9979 Traducir '16. Your ‘.emacs’ File' Done 2011-12-11
#9978 Traducir '15. Readying a Graph' Done 2011-12-11
#9977 Traducir '14. Counting Words in a defun' Done davidam 2011-12-11
#9976 Traducir '13. Counting: Repetition and Regexps' Done 2011-12-11
#9975 Traducir '12. Regular Expression Searches' Done davidam 2010-12-12
#9974 Traducir '11. Loops and Recursion' Done davidam 2011-12-11
#9973 Traducir '10. Yanking Text Back' Done davidam 2011-12-11
#9972 Traducir '9. How Lists are Implemented' Done davidam 2011-12-11
#9971 Traducir '8. Cutting and Storing Text' Done davidam 2010-12-12
#9970 Traducir '7. car, cdr, cons: Fundamental Functions' Done davidam 2010-12-12
#9969 Traducir '6. Narrowing and Widening' Done davidam 2010-12-12
#9968 Traducir '5. A Few More Complex Functions' Done davidam 2010-12-12
#9967 Traducir '4. A Few Buffer–Related Functions' Done davidam 2010-12-12
#9966 Traducir '3. How To Write Function Definitions' Done davidam 2010-12-12
#9965 Traducir '2. Practicing Evaluation' Done davidam 2009-12-12
#9963 Traducir 'Preface' Done davidam 2009-12-12

28 matching items

Open Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
Closed Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 

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