taskGNU Herds - Free Software Association - Tasks: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
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Column heading links sort results (up or down), you can also sort by priority or reset sort.You can also deactivate multicolumn sort.

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Item ID Summary Status Assigned to Should be Finished on
#6172 Translate the POT file to Italian Ready For Test 2007-01-02
#6174 Automate the POT file generation Ready For Test 2009-02-10
#6175 Artwork Stalled 2007-12-02
#6304 Streamline checking when certain trusted companies post job offers Postponed 2007-12-27
#6305 Translate the POT file to Spanish Ready For Test davi 2006-12-27
#6378 Translate the POT file to German In Progress 2007-03-03
#6420 Enable "Certifications" in the JobOffer form Postponed 2010-04-22
#6441 Translate the POT file to Portuguese Ready For Test 2007-01-26
#6447 Try this form design option: hide not mandatory fields 2008-01-28
#6505 Be able to send the same gratitude-email to all applicants at once 2007-05-10
#6534 Translate the POT file to French In Progress 2007-03-17
#6594 Translate the POT file to Russian In Progress 2007-06-07
#6608 Use ngettext to translate plurals Postponed davi 2007-03-09
#6678 Set the Data Base and translations in sync with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1 Postponed 2007-03-24
#6679 Avoid XSS attacks In Progress davi 2007-03-24
#6724 Add any number of custom JobOffer email alerts and RSS/Atom/etc. feeds In Progress davi 2009-09-30
#6742 BUG: Language selection cannot be undone by using the Back button Postponed 2015-04-12
#6766 There are notes at the PHP source code tagged with 'XXX' davi 2010-12-17
#6767 Somebody should add @titles where not defined already In Progress davi 2007-06-17
#6768 Coding Standard Postponed 2007-04-17
#6769 Use approved field names: RFC 3106 2007-06-17
#6770 menu: The colors are kind of bland, o it's hard to see what's a link and what's a heading. 2007-06-17
#6772 "Job offers" feed (in <head>) Postponed 2009-04-17
#6774 Show latest jobs on the front page Postponed 2007-04-17
#6777 News page 2007-04-17
#6782 user ID: email vs OpenID vs public/private keys 2008-12-18
#6784 Add contact information on every webpage Postponed 2007-10-18
#6841 [New feature]: Job filtering and search 2007-11-02
#6842 [New feature]: Resume import/export 2007-12-02
#6867 [New feature]: [Persistence layer]: Support 'Cursors' and 'Proxies' Postponed 2009-09-12
#6871 Analyse the use we are doing of "drop-down list boxes" Postponed 2007-12-13
#6872 Analyse the "Label placement for drop-down list boxes" Postponed 2007-12-13
#6873 Analyse the "Placing a label above an input field" design option Postponed 2007-12-13
#7216 Write a presentation both business and hacker oriented 2008-02-01
#7240 'date' input using some sort of calendar Postponed 2008-08-23
#7255 about Certifications Postponed 2008-08-29
#7271 Follow improving the FAQ section, and others: English wording, etc. Ready For Test 2007-12-04
#7279 Interact with new actors. In Progress 2007-10-01
#7297 Write the guidelines to qualify/disqualify an entity (person, company or non-profit) to vote 2008-12-12
#7326 Write the protocol to follow to classify new skills and audit and maintain the old ones In Progress davi 2008-01-22
#7331 Add an automatic mechanism to renew membership reducing so bureaucracy davi 2007-12-23
#7380 [BUG]: The skill-type 'Checks' (Free, Non-Free, etc.) are not being rightly showed to the webapp users at same cases 2009-12-13
#7413 Think about if the "language skills" management can or should be improved Postponed 2009-10-28
#7414 Make it easier the input of currencies, and more readable its output 2008-10-28
#7415 Integrate or connect to a currency converter Postponed 2009-10-28
#7416 [JobOffer]: minimize the amount of reading necessary to understand the context l0b0 2007-11-28
#7469 Black on white, with no formatting at all for links Postponed 2008-11-09
#7472 [BUG]: Sometimes the skills sort is changed when saved to the data base, mainly when new rows are inserted. Postponed davi 2008-11-10
#7511 Highlight Free Software companies Postponed 2009-12-06
#7512 Allow users to select their own default theme Postponed 2008-12-06

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