bugThe Om Modular Synthesizer - Bugs: Browse Items

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        38 matching items - Items 1 to 38        

Item ID up Summary Status Assigned to Submitted
#19397 om_gtk won't open patches 2007-03-24
#17138 Segmentation Fault 2006-07-18
#16802 om_gtk segfaults at startup if it can't resolve hostname 2006-06-09
#16424 Not Remembering Split States 2006-04-23
#16288 Canyon delay goes nuts if used in a (specific) subpatch 2006-04-06
#16273 Node coordinates not restored properly 2006-04-05
#16203 Control input ports that have connections to them, do not become disabled anymore 2006-03-28
#16202 Node of same name jumps to load plugin location 2006-03-28
#16157 Scroll position should be stored during browsing 2006-03-22
#16064 Proposal for a clearer mono/poly node visual distinction Postponed 2006-03-11
#16044 Copying value and range for control_input nodes 2006-03-09
#16015 Polyphony broken, now all monophonic In Progress drobilla 2006-03-06
#16005 Controls dialog, items not sorted alphabeticaly initialy Postponed 2006-03-05
#16001 Segfault after creating/saving/loading/destroying subpatch In Progress drobilla 2006-03-05
#15998 Patch Controls window resized on adding control nodes 2006-03-05
#15980 Load plugin scrolling issue Works For Me 2006-03-03
#15977 Om launches multiple GUIs for a single DSSI plugin 2006-03-03
#15975 Create Subpatch doesn't check name 2006-03-03
#15973 Subpatches appear with default size, ignoring zoom level 2006-03-03
#15963 Patch Properties wndow should include filepath 2006-03-02
#15962 Rename dialog starts with "already exists" message 2006-03-02
#15958 Patch description window changes on browsing, contents lost 2006-03-02
#15955 Highlighting of port stays on after "Disconnect all" 2006-03-01
#15951 Controls layout proposal 2006-03-01
#15939 fluidsynth dssi doesn't work in om. In Progress drobilla 2006-03-01
#15918 Memory Leak when killing om with killall -9 Need Info 2006-02-27
#15901 Errors loading shipped patches when using localized LADSPA plugins 2006-02-26
#15878 Inconsisteny between plugin and patch nodes, lack of visual differentiation 2006-02-23
#15871 Indicative mouse cursors regarding port compatibility 2006-02-22
#15860 Undo/Redo system Postponed 2006-02-22
#15857 Run option visualisation Postponed 2006-02-22
#15855 CVS: Save asks for filename on patches loaded from file Works For Me 2006-02-22
#15851 CVS: extra content on saving error 2006-02-22
#15688 DSSI plugins get a MIDI port even if they don't have a MIDI callback 2006-02-09
#15684 Patchage cannot connect (MIDI) ports if the names are identical 2006-02-09
#15545 Impossible to connect to some port of plugins that don't fit on the canvas 2006-01-27
#15542 DSSI GUIs and om_gtk control windows are not synchronised Confirmed 2006-01-27
#11194 om segfaults if LANG is different to the one the patch was saved with. Need Info 2004-12-02

        38 matching items - Items 1 to 38        

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