mainpyFormex - Support: Browse Items

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46 matching items

Item ID down Summary Assigned to Submitted
#108202 encode, decode: in arraytools? 2012-12-10
#108212 TriSurface.patchextension 2012-12-22
#108213 Competition: shortest path 2012-12-22
#108228 generalize mesh.peel() 2013-01-11
#108250 How to export the meshes generated by the bifmesh tool bverheg 2013-02-06
#108266 writes to many element sets 2013-03-18
#108275 how to convert a canvas into a numpy array ? 2013-03-26
#108279 intersect a trisurface with lines 2013-04-03
#108287 geomtools.faceDistance() can return triangles? 2013-04-18
#108330 bounding boxes / spheres of Mesh elements 2013-06-27
#108394 Export Wire stent in INP or CAD format 2013-09-20
#108436 prop in Geometry, possible new methods 2013-11-08
#108442 making gts boolean more robust 2013-11-18
#108602 Offset an object in the same plane 2014-06-23
#108606 Writing an .inp file for analysis in Abaqus 2014-07-02
#108707 avoid zoomAll on subsequent draw 2014-12-20
#108726 How can set the parallel perpective as default? 2015-01-15
#108742 numpy call in plugins. which way? 2015-02-06
#108762 Error on drawNumbers(ontop=True) 2015-03-05
#108769 How to get the principal bounding box? 2015-03-16
#108779 how to write a pressure dsload with 2015-03-26
#109010 Error getting curvature in TriSurface class object 2016-04-07
#109021 .pyc files from external package not regenerated 2016-04-26
#109061 Creating Sweep mesh for a 3D surface stl-format geometry 2016-06-04
#109079 how to use it 2016-06-23
#109124 Install on Windows 2016-08-24
#109137 WebGL export of ColorLegend 2016-09-08
#109146 Where can I find the comand/function overview for py scripts? 2016-09-20
#109147 CFD airfoil trailing edge mesh creation? 2016-09-20
#109148 CFD exact cell hight (wall distance) and growth rate(s)? 2016-09-20
#109149 CFD defining the farfield/domain radius? 2016-09-20
#109151 CFD: boundary layer mesh refinements 2016-09-26
#109152 CFD: Creating a cell layer thickness growth routine? 2016-09-26
#109154 How to get x and y from endPoints()? 2016-10-01
#109155 How to join a PolyLine with an Arc? 2016-10-01
#109169 Meshing tools 2016-10-18
#109427 Create a new pyFormex script 2017-12-07
#109519 Central points and helper lines selected off the model when using bifmesh plugin 2018-06-28
#109624 default rotation angle from GUI buttons 2019-01-16
#109643 Where do I see python errors? 2019-02-06
#110198 Structured mesh on Aneurysm 2020-02-17
#110481 Export geometry from stent example 2021-05-03
#110483 Script output not showing in messaging area 2021-05-04
#110495 beam section orientation (for abaqus) 2021-05-20
#110513 planar connectors orientation 2021-06-27
#110600 Changing crossing patterns of wires in 2022-01-27

46 matching items

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