bugGnome Chemistry Utils - Bugs: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
Open/Closed:  Status:  Assigned to:  Category:  Item Group: 

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Column heading links sort results (up or down), you can also sort by priority or reset sort. You can also activate multicolumn sort. Currently, results are sorted by Item IDup.

29 matching items

Item ID up Summary Status Assigned to Submitted
#54500 [PATCH] fix build failure with gnumeric-1.12.42 Fixed 2018-08-12
#53948 Build failure with Clang 2018-05-20
#52884 Make the appdatadir configurable 2018-01-14
#52883 gnome-doc-utils removed and deprecated several macros used by configure.ac 2018-01-14
#52882 .omf.in files contain wrong license information Fixed jean_brefort 2018-01-14
#52881 gcrystal and gchem3d segfault on Wayland 2018-01-14
#50985 [PATCH] gchemtable tooltips are b0rken on Fedora 25 2017-05-09
#50765 Selecting some menu items caused crash on Wayland 2017-04-08
#50568 Quit action not properly handled in GChemPaint Fixed jean_brefort 2017-03-17
#49398 Cross-platform 2016-10-20
#44122 [WISH] Two usefull options 2015-01-29
#43102 gchem3d improvement suggestions 2014-08-28
#40026 Wish: More options in context menu 2013-09-14
#40025 Wish: Beautifying of UI 2013-09-14
#40024 Changing the theme causes glitches 2013-09-14
#39793 MacPorts build log 2013-08-16
#39503 [Gchemutils-main] Modify config file to give options for which programs to compile and install? 2013-07-17
#37082 Wish: R and S 2012-08-12
#37081 Geometry Postponed jean_brefort 2012-08-12
#37080 Flip and chirality Confirmed jean_brefort 2012-08-12
#31134 Show guide for bond addition and improve 1-click bond addition 2010-09-26
#31133 3D Rotation 2010-09-26
#31132 Bonds should have mouse-over highlights 2010-09-26
#31131 Export to xymtex format 2010-09-26
#26814 GChemPaint: scrolling pages have strange behavior Need Info 2009-06-16
#26812 GChemPaint: CH2 button doesn't work inside chains Need Info 2009-06-15
#26736 valence enforcement can't be turned off Confirmed jean_brefort 2009-06-03
#26215 ./configure does not work. why? Need Info 2009-04-17
#23844 gchemtable UI - per-element dialog - draw the electron configuration 2008-07-14

29 matching items

Open Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
Closed Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 

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