bugtpb -- ThinkPad Buttons - Bugs: Browse Items

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        15 matching items - Items 1 to 15        

Item ID up Summary Status Assigned to Submitted
#39550 Rotatekey on X230t does not work 2013-07-22
#38613 Support 16 brightness on the X61s 2013-03-28
#26346 MANY hardcoded 2009-04-26
#23410 Brightness buttons don't work in a Thinkpad T60 Model 2008-05-28
#18415 [PATCH] Adjust number of bars in XOSD percentagebars 2006-11-29
#16111 TPB stop working after while 2006-03-16
#14394 tpb and multiple x sessions 2005-09-03
#14393 tpb should execute processes in user's home directory 2005-09-03
#11342 tpb stops receiving events after a little activity with Gentoo 2004.3 2004-12-17
#10705 R40 and wireless button 2004-10-17
#10478 No OSD with 0.6.3 2004-09-23
#9230 TPB uses too much CPU Fixed mbr 2004-06-05
#6419 Volume keys / Thinkpad key don't respond properly (R31) 2003-11-07
#5332 tpb and acpi mbr 2003-09-16
#2490 Problem with tpb active and sound... mbr 2003-02-07

        15 matching items - Items 1 to 15        

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